Energy Forecast for June 21st - 27th | BLESSINGS, RADIANCE & LIVING YOUR DREAMS NOW!

Blog - Energy Forecast June 21- 27 Blessings, Radiance, & Living Your Dreams Now!.jpg

Life is demanding, overwhelming, confusing and there never seems like a good point to press pause or take a time out. You feel like you are constantly needing to catch up, work towards your goals, heal from your past, find love, and create financial stability. Once that’s all completed then life will seem manageable, more enjoyable and you’ll have time to focus on yourself. 

What if life could be enjoyable now? What if you could be happy, content, and blissful right now, whether you had everything you desired or not? 

This is not a time for me to preach manifesting, because to be honest I don’t think it’s all that it’s hyped up to be. I get it, it’s the go-to thing right now… everyone wants to know all the steps to take in order to manifest your dream life. If that’s you, then this blog might shake up your mindset a bit. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I connect to the Divine Universe and channel messages for individuals, and the collective as a whole, so we can feel supported and guided each step of the way. I do not predict the future, because to be honest it’s always changing because of a thing called free will. Also, I believe predicting the future can make a person lazy. Instead, the intention behind my readings and work is to guide you to the next step so you can feel empowered and confident as you create your dream life

Every week I show up here in the format of a blog to share with you a self-reflection I am currently moving through and an energy forecast for the collective for the next week. The purpose is to bring a life lesson and moment of reflection into your own life, while also understanding what’s to come this week and how you will be impacted. 

Like I was saying earlier, today is not a post about manifesting your dream life, because instead it’s about LIVING your dream life. So, let’s jump into the Self Reflection for the week. 


If you read the Energy Forecast for the week of June 14th then you saw my self reflection was about being distracted. So I am going to preface this week's reflection with the reminder that as humans we forget, we make mistakes, we take wrong turns, this is all inevitable. So, when I say I am living my dream life, this by no means implies that I am perfect and I have a perfect life free from challenges. Because trust me, I am learning some difficult lessons in this phase of life.

This past week I was given the opportunity to house sit and dog sit for my friends that live out in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. They asked if I would be available to stay, watch over their animals and take care of their greenhouse and property for 4 and a half days while they were away. If you know anything about me at all, you would understand that this is my DREAM life. Living on an acreage, surrounded by forest and trails, multiple dogs, a greenhouse, and a beautiful home. 

Well, I am just finishing up my time here and it’s been beyond magical, refreshing, and affirming in ways I couldn’t even imagine. 

When I arrived late last week I had been recovering from my bout of people pleasing and losing myself in admiration. My energy is very easily swayed by those around me and it’s very important that I am constantly checking in with my thoughts, feelings and actions to see if they are coming from a space of alignment or from being conditioned by those around me. So, when I arrived on Thursday afternoon to the Pines (my friends’ property) I was in a space of deep reflection.

Now, as much as being at their property is my dream life I want to point out that at first it didn’t feel like a dream, it felt like a job I was doing to help my friends and make a little money. I arrived being really focused on what I was going to create here because I had plans to be really productive. The Universe had other plans for me. 

I quickly was reminded that my dream life is not about having all the things if I don’t take the time to enjoy it and be present. I can be gifted with every single manifestation, blessing and desire I hope for, but until I allow myself to enjoy this moment as it’s happening then none of that stuff will bring me contentment, fulfillment and bliss.
— Sydney Smith

So, I put my to do list in the garbage and made a commitment that I would show up each moment and do whatever I felt like or needed right then. I allowed myself to fully be. Experience this moment. As it’s happening right now. 

The last 4 and half days have been filled with me sitting outside soaking in the nature that surrounds me. I am living my dream life. 

I desire to have property in a forest so I can immerse myself in the energy of the trees every single moment if I want to. I desire to have multiple dogs so I always have a buddy to adventure with no matter what time of day it is. I desire to allow myself to sit and meditate on the sounds of nature because it strengthens my connection to the Universe and myself. I desire to be patient as signs and messages from the Universe pop into my life. 

I can only achieve all of this if I live in this present moment and experience it now. 

I may not have a property in the forest, but I sure can get to a forest on a daily or weekly basis. Even if it’s 3 trees standing together I can sit with them and feel like I am in a forest. 

I may not have a dog right now, but I can walk friends dogs and say hi to any dog I pass on the street. Even if I’m simply watching other dogs walk by while I am on my walk I can still enjoy each moment as it comes. 

I can always allow myself to sit and meditate on the sounds of nature, even when there are city sounds immersed in the orchestra of noises around me. The city is still part of the Universe and I can learn from this energy as well. 

I can receive signs and messages from the Universe absolutely anywhere, at any time, as long as I am present in experiencing each moment. I will never notice a message from the Universe if I am stuck in my mind overthinking things. 

This long weekend reminded me that dreaming and manifesting is good, but what’s even better is actively living your dreams right now. You first need to be clear on what those dreams are, then you need to strengthen your connection to self so you can experience all that you desire. 

Your dream life is here right now. How would you experience it? Would you allow yourself to be present long enough to soak up the goodness that surrounds you? Would you guilt and shame yourself into tackling your to-do list because there isn't enough time in the day to sit and relax? Would you allow yourself to let go of your original plan because the Universe guided you to do so?

Your choices right now will determine how you experience this moment. 

I chose to sit, listen, watch, and witness the magical energy that surrounded me. In doing so, I felt more supported and guided than ever before. I felt the most at peace I have ever been. 

By being present and allowing myself to live my dreams today I witness many signs from the Universe. Here is a list of some of the magical moments I experienced:

  • Two Hawks flying right above dancing in the wind gusts

  • A cleansing, refreshing energy from the rainfall

  • A flock of crows reminding me to soak in the manifestation that is taking place

  • Mama Moose and Baby Moose guiding me to trust myself

  • A Fox reminding me of my talents as the world shifts and changes around me

  • An Owl allowing me to watch it hunt in the forest

  • Multiple Deer affirming the message to trust my gut instincts

The Universe is here, guiding and supporting you to reach your dreams. All you have to do is slow down enough, become present in each moment and be witness to the magical messages that surround you. 

Speaking of messages, let’s jump into this week's Energy Forecast. This is a great opportunity to gain a look into what energies are influencing us this next week so we can create more ease and grace as we flow. 

Don’t go anywhere… 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



We have left Mercury Retrograde my friends!! Mercury is back to moving forward again and we are out of this slow down period. Perfect timing too, as we just had Summer Solstice on June 20th in the Northern Hemisphere. Shifting into the summer season is a time for ease, celebrations, radiance, and joy! After all that challenging energy from June and the earlier months of 2021 I think we are ready for a positive upbeat in energy.

We are capping off these beautiful shifts this week with the Full Moon on June 24th. This is a time when we can gain clarity, answers become known, and our situations will reach a climax. Many blessings are to come with this Full Moon, but remember to still be cautious, as full moon’s are a time for heightened energy and emotions. If someone is living out of alignment then this heightened energy can project into more challenges and a sensitive time. Protect yourself friends!

Now, I am going to check in with Dr. Steven Farmer’s oracle deck and see what energies are coming forward for the collective this next week. 

Energy Forecast June 21st photo - radiance.JPG


The storm always brings light at the end and the rain has simply washed away anything that no longer supports you. 

The past few weeks have created a lot of change in your life, if not physical change then you’ve created internal changes. The Universe is bringing beautiful blessings into your life to show you how good things always come after a storm. 

You are now being asked to recount all the blessings in your life right now. This isn’t something to rush over and check off the to-do list. This is where you move from manifesting your dream life into LIVING your dream life right now. 

Be grateful for all the blessings within and around you and more will start flowing into your life. 


The Universe is speaking through the earth this next week and you will begin to notice more signs and messages than ever before. The fairies protect the land and are always happy to share the energetic blessings of the earth with you. 

By bringing yourself back to the present, taking time out in nature, and slowing your thoughts down you will begin to notice all the signs the Fairies are bringing to your life. 

There is magic that surrounds you every day. Pay attention and you will feel supported like never before. 


Perfect connection for this week as we are transitioning into the summer season right now. This is a strong reminder that when you find your own inner light you create a ripple effect of radiance into the world around you. Focus on the daily habits, tasks, and experiences that make you feel uplifted, joyful, and at peace. The more moments you can create like this AND be present in them, the more radiance will fill your life. 

Remember, manifesting only goes so far, sometimes you simply need to LIVE right now as if your dream were already here! 

I love the energy that is flowing into our lives this week. There is definitely a feeling of brighter days ahead, and blessings for all. 

If this resonates with you please let me know! Leave a comment below or send me a message on social media!

If you are ready to surround yourself with a community of like-minded beings and feel supported in your spiritual growth journey then join the Meditation Membership today! For the month of July we are focusing on Signs, Omens & Messages - How to Connect to the Universe. You’ll notice this theme of building connection to the Universe over the next several months in the membership. Now is a great opportunity for you to join because in our live calls we have powerful spiritual teachings and feel the bliss flow through us during the guided meditations.

I hope you are ready to soak in the goodness this next week. 

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!

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