Energy Forecast for August 23rd - 29th | DREAM LIFE & EMBODIMENT

Blog - Energy Forecast August 23 - 29 Dream Life & Embodiment.jpg

Soul Alignment is a lifestyle, it’s not a one time fix and then you are good to go. It is a lifestyle where you actively show up every day and ask yourself “what do I need right now in order to feel good?”. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have worked with numerous clients who are trying to heal from their past pain, create a life they enjoy living now, and manifest their dreams into existence. There is a lot of work that is required through each of these aspects of healing, learning and growing. The one thing that is consistent through each aspect is learning what soul alignment feels like to you, the individual. 

In today’s Self Reflection I am sharing an Ah-Ha moment I had last week (these seem to be happening every week for me) and how Soul Alignment will help you create your dream life right now. 

As always in these blogs, the point is to share some life lessons in hopes that you are inspired to do your own self reflection. Through self discovery you can begin creating soul alignment in your life. In the second half of this blog I will share this week’s Energy Forecast. This is when I tap into the energy of the Collective and channel what will be influencing us this week. 

Let’s jump into my own experience over the past week and the breakthroughs I had. 


Last Wednesday I had a powerful Ah-Ha moment that went something like this… 

“Holy Crap! I’m living my dream life. I had a dream that this is what my life would look like and feel like. I saw this all happening. I thought it was going to be 5 years from now, but look at me. This is the dream I’ve been dreaming for 6 months. And I’m here! This is it! I’m experiencing my dream life right now!”

Throughout the last 4 years of my life nothing has happened by chance. It all happened because it was part of my soul path, the good, the bad, the comical and the downright ugly. Every single second happened on purpose for me to heal, learn and grow. Well, if I really look back that is true for my entire life (and yours too)! The difference between the last 4 years and the previous decades I’ve lived is that in the last 4 years I have chosen to reflect on WHY it’s happened in the way it has, HOW it all came to be, and WHAT I did to move me to this current place. 

It’s through reflection that I am able to see how I affect the life I am living so I can continue to repeat the actions that support me and I can change the reactions that limit me. 

Over the past week I’ve begun to see the connections. Soul Alignment is about learning who I am, who I came here to be, how the world around me affects me, how I can positively support myself, where I desire to go and most importantly, how I desire to feel throughout my life. When you learn the knowledge behind each of these questions you then have the information needed in order to take action. Taking action is the most important step because that is HOW you create soul alignment. (I’m going to be sharing more about Soul Alignment in future blog posts - so stay tuned for those if you’re interested.)

The moment I experienced the Ah-Ha that I shared earlier I decided to do some quick reflection to better understand HOW I got to this dream life. I know things can shift and change easily, especially when it comes to my emotions, so I wanted to have clarity on HOW I can recreate this feeling again and again. 

Without getting too deep, because in all honesty it’s ALL OF THE WORK I’ve done in the past 4 years that has brought me to my dream life today, I want to share exactly what I did in the last week to be able to fully experience this dream life. 

First of all, six months ago I had a dream and I continued to have the same dream, both while sleeping and while awake (lucid dreams) for the past six months. This dream included me sitting on a comfortable couch in my living room and I was surrounded by plants and books. While on my couch I had my laptop and I was writing a book that I was Divinely-led to create. In this dream my mind was at peace because I knew I had everything I could ever need in life. In this dream my soul was on fire because I knew I was sharing my gifts with the world. In this dream my heart was full because I was surrounded by loving family members. 

If you look closely you can see that although my dream was filled with things (i.e. plants, books, a couch, a laptop etc.) it was actually mostly filled with feelings and emotions. This is because after the first time I had this dream I felt connected to it and I knew it was everything I desired for my life. In knowing this I chose to get clear on WHAT it would feel like if that dream was my reality.

How would I feel sitting on that couch surrounded by the plants and books?

How would I feel knowing that I was writing from my heart and soul and living out my Divine Purpose?

How would I feel being surrounded by family?

How would I feel in that exact moment as this future version of me? 

The most common misconception in life is that once I have all the things I desire then I will be happily living my dream life. We are starting to see so many different people trying to break this belief and share why it’s limiting.
— Sydney Smith

The number one thing that I try to remind myself of, and I teach all of my clients is that our emotions are experienced in the present moment. So, if you cannot experience joy right now then how can you expect to know what it will feel like in the future when you have the car, the family, the house, the career etc.?

Abraham-Hicks says that in order to manifest your dream life you need to be a vibrational match for it right now. This basically means that in order to receive whatever you desire you have to be in the energy of already having it. For instance, if you want a specific car you have to believe you already have it. When you believe you already have the car you experience the same emotions and feelings  that you would experience when you have it. You aren’t sitting and worrying about how you’ll receive it or doubting your ability to receive it. Instead, you trust that it’s already yours and you surrender to the Universe in how it will bring it into your life. 

Now that is a big idea that I just shared, and you may not totally understand it right now, but I encourage you to do some reflection on how you feel based on those ideas from Abraham-Hicks. 

Back to my dream life… 

I took a look at what I was doing and how I was living over the past week that got me to experience my dream life now, when I thought it wasn’t going to occur for another 5 years or so.

Last week I meditated every day, usually twice a day and through this practice I was able to bring myself back to a peaceful state of being. My mind tends to run out of control bringing me into a state of worry, doubt, fear, stress and uncertainty. I’ve learnt that having a meditation practice is not about getting good at meditating, it’s actually about learning to calm my incessant mind so I can connect back to my spirit. When I am in spirit I am calm, connected and centered. When I am in these feelings I am present and enjoying the moment in whatever I am doing. 

Last week I prioritized writing because I dream of being an author and I love the practice of sitting at my computer and allowing the words to flow from my fingertips into the keyboard. When I write from an aligned space I feel connected to my purpose, I enjoy the experience, and I know I am letting my gifts guide me forward. 

Last week I knew my bank account balance was the lowest it has ever been in my entire life. Being someone who has experienced a lot of mindset issues around a lack of abundance, past me would have been spiraling down into the darkest hole of self-doubt, fear, frustration, and depression. Yet, I felt so incredibly abundant that I said to myself “I have everything I could ever need right now.”

Why is this?

Because I was embodying that future version of me. I wasn’t just hoping I would one day reach that powerful version of me, I was already her. I had peace in my mind and I knew I could continue to create that peace whenever I needed. I had love in my heart because I was surrounded by support from myself, my Divine Team and my loving family who I live with. I had fire and passion in my soul because I was following my gifts and grateful to be sharing those gifts with the world. 

I looked up from my computer, while sitting on a comfy couch in my living room, and I saw the shelves stocked with plants and books. I looked out the window and saw a blue sky and trees in my neighbor's yard. I looked at my computer and saw my next Guidebook over half way finished and I had only started writing it 12 hours earlier. I was living my dream at that moment. All because I chose to embody the future version of me by living in the exact way that I see her living. Slow mornings filled with coffee, gratitude, reading and casual conversation with family. Connecting to my spirit through walks around the neighborhood and meditation. Sharing my experiences and the wisdom gained through the words I write. Connecting with my community through powerful client calls, membership calls and engagement in my free community and social media platforms.

It sounds like “work” and it can feel that way if I am doing these things because I feel like I “have to”. The difference is that I connected to my spirit and I brought myself to a place of feeling good first. Then I asked myself “why am I doing this?” and the answer was always “because it feels good to share, it feels good to help others, it feels good to teach, it feels good to connect with like-minded beings, it feels good to create peace in my mind, it feels good to eat healthy, it feels good to move my body, it feels good to honour my spirit.”

How did I get to a place of living my dream life right now? I chose to prioritize feeling good. I am clear on all the different ways that I can help myself to feel good. I am aware of all the different situations that can lead me to not feeling good and I know how to support myself in those moments. I know what it feels like to be aligned with my soul.

Future Sydney takes action in a way that feels good.

Future Sydney prioritizes herself so she can feel good every day.

Future Sydney is always present experiencing the moment she is in.

Future Sydney understands that there is nothing to worry about for the future, as long as she is supporting herself right now by honouring her feelings and bringing herself back to a space that feels good. 

Guess what? Present Sydney is doing all of the same things that Future Sydney will do. Present Sydney is embodying the future version of her. Because I am embodying the most elevated version of me it means that I am able to live my dream life now, rather than waiting for it to happen. 

Guess what? It feels damn good! 

Soul Alignment is the way to live your dream life in the present! 

It’s not always going to be this easy. I know challenges and obstacles will always appear on my path, especially when I least expect it. The good thing is that now I know how to support myself through those moments and how to get back to the place of feeling good and staying aligned with my soul path! 

It was a powerful week for me and I am going to come back and reread this self reflection as often as I can to remind myself of what I have created! I am here, living my dream life, because I chose to do the work and I wouldn’t have it any other way. All of the struggles, all of the breakdowns, all of the misaligned action, all of the worry and doubt, I would do it all again. I would repeat it all because I learnt how to support myself through healing and through the challenges. I learnt how to experience my dream life even when I don’t “have all the things” that I desire to have. 

I’m excited to see where this knowledge takes me in life. 

If you are ready to learn more about Soul Alignment and how you can create your dream life now then it’s time to reach out and start working with me! The 1:1 Monthly Mentoring program is the space where you will learn to take yourself to the next level of expansion. It’s a 3-month minimum program and the majority of my clients have stayed working with me for 6 months or more because of the growth they experienced in the first 3 months. If you are ready to take this next step and do the work then book a FREE clarity call to make sure it’s the right fit. Right now I have space to guide and support 4 souls to create soul alignment. 

Now, that’s enough about me, let’s jump into the Energy Forecast and all that is coming forward for us this week. 



A Guidebook for Connection

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



Over the next week we are noticing the effects of the Moon Cycle as the Moon leaves its Full phase (Aug 22nd) and it decreases in size and reaches the Third Quarter phase on August 29th. During this week we may still be receiving some clarity from the Full Moon in aspects of our lives where we had questions. 

Now is the time for introspection and reflection. Take time to look at your goals and ask yourself “how have I been supporting myself to work towards these goals?” and “how have I been limiting myself in regards to creating my dream life?”. Now is a time to look at where you’ve succeeded and learn from this growth, while also looking at where you fell into bad habits and how it affected you. 

Introspection is as important as taking action. This is where you learn to not make the same mistakes and this is where you uncover how you can shift forward to your dream life. 

Now, I am asking for more clarity for the Collective on “what do we need to know to support ourselves through the Universal Energies this next week?”

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You need to get CLEAR on where your passions lie. You need to better understand WHAT you are passionate about and how you can prioritize these passions in your everyday life. 

Your passions do not need to be a career, they can be a hobby or passion project, they can even be how you show up for others. 

As you lean into the reflection and introspection phase of the Moon Cycle it’s important for you to look directly at your passions and when you feel fired up (in a good way). It’s time to uncover why you feel this way and how you can prioritize this feeling in your life more. 

Your passions are directly connected to your purpose and your gifts. 


You are being asked to LISTEN to your instinct, your intuition, your gut knowing. Stop prioritizing everyone else’s opinions and start listening to your own. If you want to create soul alignment you need to know what your gut instinct feels like so you can begin to prioritize how your soul is guiding you. 

You have a feeling about something in particular this next week, don’t put your feelings on the back burner. Learn from them so you can continue to support yourself in creating your dream life. 

This is where you are being asked to focus your energy this week! PASSION & INSTINCT. 

Are you ready to do the work?

If you are desiring more guidance and direction when it comes to your soul path and how to live your dream life then it’s time for you to book one of my offers. Check out the short descriptions below to feel which one resonates with you the most right now.

Meditation Membership - through community, spiritual conversation, mindfulness and self reflection you can create soul alignment. In every call you’ll release stress & worry and create peace & joy. Stay accountable by having a community that supports you. 

Intuitive Soul Reading - through channeled messages for you and your life path, gain clarity on aligned action steps to take now and what’s coming for you. These readings will move you from confused and uncertain to clear and guided. It’s a beautiful way for you to receive Divine Direction for your soul path right now. 

Soulful Solo Session - through understanding the root of your problem you’ll feel supported and uplifted to shift forward into soul alignment. You will receive support and guidance in the areas you’re feeling stuck or lost. You will learn strategies and practices that feel good for you, so you can be empowered to create soul alignment as you conquer the current challenge in your life. 

If you have any questions at all then do not hesitate to reach out to me!
I hope you are inspired to begin embodying the future version of you who is living their dream life right now!

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!