Energy Forecast for April 4th - 10th | PICK A CARD for Spiritual Wisdom


Your spiritual journey is truly all about you.

It’s about how you choose to move through each moment you are presented with. It’s about your willingness to love and accept who you are right now. It’s about your desire to move forward with peace and purpose rather than pressure and forcefulness. Your spiritual journey is about how your internal condition reflects into your external environment. Your spiritual journey is about how you let your external environment show you messages and signs from the Universe on how you need to move forward in alignment. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author and Intuitive Guide, every single week I channel the energy forecast so we, as a collective, can have a better understanding of the Universal Energy that may be influencing us this week. By gaining this spiritual knowledge we can better understand how to support and guide ourselves through our healing, learning and eventual growth. 

I’ve shared the message of Spring season numerous times already and in the Northern Hemisphere we are feeling this energy over the next three months. Spring is all about trust. As individuals we are not only planting the seeds of our desires, we are also needing to trust ourselves to take action on those desires, and trust the bigger picture. Rather than forcing our desires to come true today, we are trusting they will happen in Divine Timing and we are leaning into hope and faith to lead us forwards. Learn more about Spring here and here

In the Moon Cycle the spiritual significance of this week is really all about dreaming and believing. The Moon impacts our energy and our emotions and this week we may find an eagerness of hope lifting our wings. The Moon is waxing from the Crescent Moon into the First Quarter phase throughout this week. On Saturday, April 9th we will see the Moon flow into the First Quarter phase which signifies a time to take action, even if obstacles arise on your path. 

Your energy levels will be increasing this week and you will feel the shift from last week, which emphasized rest and healing, into inspiration and motivation to move forward on your goals and tasks. As your energy levels grow and you feel energized to move forward and take action it’s important to look at the purpose behind your action. 

Are you taking action because you feel pressured and stressed to finish your to-do list?

Are you moving forward from a judgmental space because last week you were tired and didn’t get certain jobs finished?

These energies are not aligned with trust, faith and purpose, they are aligned with forcefulness, stress, overwhelm and guilt. 

The energy you carry while taking action is more important than the actual action steps. Remember, dream and believe is the spiritual significance of the Waxing Crescent Moon and you have the opportunity to tap into this magnificent, divine energy to carry your actions forward. 

Creating forward movement is not enough, your purpose, peace and trust must be the guiding force in order for your dreams to come to fruition. This week before you step into action pay attention to your thoughts, your emotions and your energy and choose to guide yourself into alignment before taking action. 


Sydney’s Soul Healing Journey

Sharing her journey with Spirit as she harmonizes her shadow & light

New journal entries every Sunday.

Let Sydney’s journey inspire you through your own shadow healing, spiritual awakening, and uncovering of your Soul Truths.

Read the third soul healing journal entry at the button below.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for April 4th - 10th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energy that is influencing us this week, let’s look deeper. 

As I tap into my intuitive, clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities to receive messages from the Universe, I will also use the divination tool of oracle cards. 

This week I am using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards to receive a message from Spirit for the collective. The question being asked is, “what do we need to know in order to carry the energy of dreaming and believing this week?”

There are three messages that have come forward this week. Take a moment here to feel into your body to see which message is for you. What colour calls to you right now? For that is the message for you.

Green - Card A

Yellow - Card B

Blue - Card C

Feel free to scroll back to the top image to feel into the colours before receiving the messages!

Green - Card A


You are planning so much of your life through this current situation and it is keeping you in an energy of control. This energy of control comes from fear, fear of pain, fear of the unknown. This fear is rooted in your wounds from some pain from your past. 

Control and planning come from not being able to trust in the bigger picture, not being able to trust that the Universe’s plan is better than any plan you could come up with. 

In order to carry the energy of dreaming and believing this week you need to let go of the need to be right. The peacekeeper energy says that peace and happiness is more important than the need to be right and the need to prove yourself. What if an outcome beyond your wildest dreams could happen? Right now you are resisting your soul dreams because you are holding onto stress and pressure around making the right decision for you. Choose peace over anything else right now for it will lead everyone to the best outcome. 

Yellow - Card B


You can easily get swept up by the stress and pressure to move forward quickly. Other people’s opinions and emotions can sway you off course. These energies pull you out of soul alignment and force you into making decisions from ego rather than soul. 

The most important thing for you this week is staying rooted and grounded in your Soul Truths. Acknowledge when your emotions are swaying you off course. Choose to connect back to Mother Earth. Feel yourself rooted in Spirit, then you will feel the energy of trust filling you up. 

Don’t move quickly. Instead slow down and more with grounded purpose this week. 

Blue - Card C


You are awakening a mystical power that has always been within you. When you quiet the sounds of the world outside of you, you more easily tap into the energy of Spirit that moves through you. Ideas, inspiration, divinity, and spiritual power flow with you and lead you this week. 

If you rush too quickly on these ideas and inspiration then you can be swept up by ego desires of wanting to be validated by the external world. Feel into this powerful energy and move forward with purpose, peace and patience leading you. 

This mystical energy is reminding you that you aren’t rushing towards an outcome, instead you are harnessing energetic power that helps you create a beautiful experience right now. This energy is always available to you, it’s whether or not you choose to connect with it, harness it, and flow with it. 

All three of these messages are beautiful reminders for you wherever you find yourself on your soul path. Trust that you are being guided where you find yourself right now. It’s not a time to compare your path to someone else’s. It’s a time to see yourself as you are and support yourself in whatever you need right now. 

I hope these messages bring great guidance for you to flow through this next week of your spiritual journey.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness