5 Signs Your Masculine Energy is Distorted NOT Divine


Every single person has access to their own masculine and feminine energy, which is not gender specific. Our society in the western world is rooted in prioritizing masculine energy, and we are finally opening up to see how this energy has become distorted. We are being affected by our distorted masculine energy on an individual level and as a collective. It’s time to heal our masculine energy and live in an aligned and divine way. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work with empaths, people pleasers and sensitive souls who desire to better understand their energy and emotions in order to live from a peaceful and empowered state. My work is focused on emotional healing and I support my clients through inner child work, releasing limiting beliefs, and shifting unsupportive patterns and habits. In this healing journey my clients are able to uncover their inner power, strengthen their self-esteem, and confidently pursue their soul purpose. 

In this blog you will learn what masculine energy is, the difference between distorted and divine energy, along with 5 signs that your masculine energy is distorted. The takeaway from this blog is for you to have a better understanding of where to focus your healing in order to create your own divine masculine energy. 

What is Masculine Energy?

Masculine energy is action-oriented, plan & strategy based, leadership, security, focus, confidence, logic and expansive. 

This means that any aspect of your life that includes the list above is when you are embodying your masculine energy. You can learn more about what feminine energy is in this blog

What is the meaning of distorted energy versus divine energy?

In order for us to live in a divine and aligned way, we need to use both our masculine and feminine energy. When we rely too heavily on our masculine energy we tend to lead ourselves from a distorted space. 

When your energy is distorted it means that you are coming from fear, stress, pain, or anxiety, which is misalignment. When your energy is divine it means that you are coming from trust, peace, and connection, which is alignment.

The best thing that you can do moving forward is start to become aware of when you feel stressed, filled with emotional pain, or anxious. These moments tend to point you to where fear is leading you, which means you are coming from a distorted energy. Any action you take from this distorted energy will attract more stress and overwhelm. 

In my own journey of building awareness around my distorted masculine energy I began to see that my thought pattern was often focused on whether or not I felt I had done enough. Was I taking the right action to make forward movement? What if I wasn’t doing enough? What if I was doing it all wrong? This constant thought pattern focused on my actions resulted in insecurities and self doubt believing I wasn’t worthy because I hadn’t “done” enough. 

The more awareness I created around these patterns the easier it became to know when I needed to shift my energy. I was coming from pressure and a fear based mindset. There was no way to convince myself that I had actually done enough while I carried that low vibrational energy. I needed to transmute the energy I carried, release the fear, and come into a grounded, present and connected state. Once I was connected in Spirit, I was able to affirm my actions, embrace my worthiness and move forward with trust leading me. 


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Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

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Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

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Back to the blog - 5 Signs Your Masculine Energy is Distorted NOT Divine

Now that you have a better understanding of what masculine energy is and the difference between distorted and divine energy, let’s jump into the 5 signs that your masculine energy is distorted.

1 - Control Issues/Fear of the Unknown

Masculine energy carries a sense of control through planning and strategizing, however nobody has 100% control over life. 

There is so much out of your control and it’s important that you are able to learn to carry grace with control. You can plan and strategize to a point, and then you need to be able to carry a sense of trust and flow with life as things unfold before you. When you have control issues it’s because you have a fear of the unknown or a fear of being out of control. 

You know that your energy is distorted because you are constantly thinking in your mind about how to plan something to reach the results you desire. You often think about all the things that could go wrong and how you would overcome them. You also have a hard time letting other people help because you believe they will do it wrong. In which case it’s easier for you to just do everything yourself. 

Fear of the unknown is about believing that you have to control everything otherwise problems will always arise. You have no trust in the Universe and you have no trust in yourself to figure something out as it happens. 

2 - Hustle Mentality/Fear of Not Doing Enough

The hustle mentality is a huge problem in our society because it has created the belief that we need to constantly be taking action with a go, go, go, behaviour. 

This belief has been proven to be successful for some people because they’ve reached the success and fulfillment they desire through hustling. The most important thing we need to learn is that one person’s path is not the same as another person’s path, so your journey to fulfillment will look different. 

The problem with this belief is that our bodies and minds can’t keep up with constant movement and often this hustle mentality leads to burnout or a mental breakdown. You are coming from a distorted energy when you are choosing to live from a hustle mentality and you never let yourself rest with grace. 

The reason why this is a distorted masculine energy is because it comes from the fear of not doing enough. You tend to believe that you haven’t done enough to reach the results you desire, so you feel pressured to keep going and keep moving. You don’t feel safe when resting. In moments of rest you often judge yourself, because of the fear that you haven’t done enough and you are running out of time. When you do take action it’s coming from a misaligned energy because fear and pressure are driving you forwards.

3 - External Validation/Fear of Being Judged

For those of us that are people pleasers we live our lives desiring external validation and approval. We make decisions based on other people’s opinions and we build our lives with other people’s happiness in mind. 

When we live from the desire of needing external validation it’s because we are coming from the energy of fearing judgment. You are afraid of what other people think of you, and you are afraid of what they will say about your life choices. So you most likely end up living in a way that you believe others will approve of. 

Masculine energy is your ability to lead and carry confidence. The fear of judgment turns you into a follower and it diminishes your self-esteem. Every single action you take or decision you make isn’t coming from a divine, aligned energy because fear of judgment and the need for approval is leading you.

4 - Living from Your Comfort Zone/Fear of Instability

It is common for people to live on auto-pilot and stay in the box of their comfort zone because they believe it means their life is stable. 

The problem is that anything can change at any moment and by staying in your comfort zone your ability to adapt and be resilient is weak. Stability is not about what your external environment looks like, it’s about being stable in who you are, the values you live by, and knowing you are capable. 

Your fear of instability is keeping you in your comfort zone and you are unwilling to branch out and try something different. When you have a fear of instability it is a tell tale sign that your masculine energy is distorted and healing is required.

5 - Over-analysis Paralysis/Fear of Uncertainty

Many people find it difficult to make a decision and stay focused in action on the path that decision leads them down. The process of over-analysis paralysis is constantly over-thinking all the choices before you and all the action that is required, leaving you stuck in in-action. 

You are most likely avoiding making a decision and taking action by filling your time with habits and behaviours that you would consider time-wasters. You constantly overthink all the options before you and the opportunities end up being gone before you make the decision to move forward. This behaviour is coming from your fear of uncertainty and you find yourself anxious in thought about the future. 

Over-analysis paralysis blocks your ability to become focused in action because even after you make a decision, you second guess yourself and wonder what would’ve happened if you made a different decision. 

Your masculine energy is divine when you are able to make a clear decision and stay focused on the journey while pursuing the choices you made. Nothing in life is certain, which makes life enjoyable. If you knew every single moment long before it happened life would be boring. 

All is not lost for you and there is time for you to heal these distorted patterns and create a healthy masculine energy within yourself. You need your masculine energy to be divine because it’s where you are able to lead yourself, stay focused, take aligned action towards your goals, and feel confident about the logical decisions you are making. 

If you continue to let your fears control your masculine energy then you will continue to repeat the same patterns you’ve already experienced, leading you to self-doubt, exhaustion, and overwhelm. 

Healing outdated patterns and unsupportive beliefs is exactly how I support my clients, so they can live a life of peace, purpose, and fulfillment. Check out my 1:1 Mentoring program today if you are interested in learning more about healing your masculine energy. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness