3 Ways an Empath can Start Receiving Help from the Universe


In order to trust your soul path you need to be willing to ask for help from the Universe. As a people pleaser it can be quite difficult for you to ask for help from others, but it’s important to understand that you aren’t meant to do life all on your own. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Guide I guide and support empaths and people pleasers in better understanding their energy so they can live in alignment with their Higher Self. Learning how to connect with the Universe to receive support, guidance and clarity is some of the spiritual work I support my clients through in the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program. 

You can start asking for help from the Universe through your Divine Team in order to receive support, comfort and clarity on your soul path. In this blog I will share different ways you can ask for help from the Universe.

All people pleasers are also empaths, and this is because as an empath you are able to feel and understand the emotions of another person. You became a people pleaser early on in your life because you felt the pain of someone else’s emotions, so you created a behaviour or pattern around prioritizing someone else’s needs over your own. 

When you identify as a people pleaser you are limiting your ability to experience joy, peace and fulfillment in your life because you will always believe you need to prioritize everyone else over yourself. When you begin to identify as an empath rather than a people pleaser, you start to learn how to create energetic boundaries so you aren’t taking on someone else’s emotions as your own. As an empath you can also learn how to ask for help on your soul path, rather than staying stuck in the people pleasing perspective of asking for help is selfish. 

This blog is meant to guide you in understanding how, as an empath, you can start asking for help from the Universe in order to feel supported through life. Whether you are needing help to manifest your desires, to overcome a challenge, to be courageous in following your dreams, or to gain confidence in yourself, the Universe is always ready to help you in any way you desire. 

First it starts with calling in your Divine Team. As you progress on your spiritual journey you will start learning the different members of your Divine Team, basically it’s a team of Spirit Beings that are here to guide and support you on your journey. 

You have Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, and Animal Guides all helping you throughout life. The Spirit Beings walking alongside you on your journey will only step in and provide help or support if you ask for it. Free will is what stops your Divine Team from being able to lead you every single step of the way, so if you want help from the Universe then you need to be willing to ask for it.

Asking for comfort

When you find yourself feeling exhausted, emotionally or energetically drained it’s the perfect moment to ask for comfort from your Divine Team. These are the moments it’s easy for your ego mind to take over and create fear filled thoughts leading you to worry or doubt your path. When you are emotionally or energetically exhausted it’s not a time for you to take action, but pressure and stress can build which often triggers self-judgment and criticism. 

In these moments when you choose to call on your Divine Team and ask for comfort, it’s about allowing yourself to receive love so you can ensure that your energetic vibration stays high, even when you feel drained. 

Think back to when you were a child. Did you always ask for your mom or dad's comfort when you were sick or not feeling well? This is the exact same idea and it’s about allowing yourself to energetically receive comfort in a time of need.


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Asking for support

They say two minds are better than one, and more hands make less work. Whether you are working on a project, overcoming a challenge, or feeling lost on your journey you are most likely desiring support. 

Rather than believing that you have to do it all on your own, wouldn’t you prefer to receive help and allow yourself to flow along the path more effortlessly? This can be true as long as you open yourself up to receiving support from your Divine Team. Energetically your Divine Team can line up the right opportunities for you to overcome said challenges, they can direct helpful people into your life at the right moment, and they can ensure you receive the support you need to make your project a success. 

It’s time for you to start calling on your Divine Team and asking for support in your life. Be open with them, rather saying exactly how you think you need support instead ask them to provide the support that they see is best for you. Your Divine Team can see more of the bigger picture than you can, so rather than stay stuck from your limited perspective, asking for support from the Universe opens you to receive ideas, opportunities and solutions from a broader perspective. 

Asking for clarity

The last way you can start receiving help from the Universe is by asking for clarity on your path. This is great if you are feeling uncertain about what to do next, or you have multiple options to choose from and you need clarity before making your decision. 

The Universe is always providing signs, messages and synchronicities on your path, and it’s your Divine Team that is delivering these messages to you in the right way. Clarity can come into your life in many different forms, as you can also receive clarity through your intuition and your psychic senses of clairvoyance and clairaudience. 

Asking for clarity from the Universe is about being clear with yourself that you are uncertain on your path. Rather than allowing the fear of uncertainty to pressure you to move forward in order to feel a sense of relief, you are choosing to carry faith through this moment of uncertainty. When faith is leading you forwards it’s not always that you know exactly what to do in the uncertainty, instead it’s that you open yourself up to receiving clarity in the right moment and right way. 

Moments of uncertainty and confusion are the exact moment when our Inner Spirit is asking us to slow down and carry patience, but so many of us have created unhealthy patterns of taking action from pressure in confusion. We don’t like the feeling of being confused, so rather than sit in stillness in those moments we rush to take action believing that in action we will achieve clarity. 

When we choose to live in connection with the Universe on our soul path, we are constantly reminding ourselves that there is a bigger picture that we cannot always see from our human perspective. By asking for clarity from the Universe in these moments we are opening ourselves up to Universal signs, messages and synchronicities that will provide a sense of knowing how to move forward in an aligned way with purpose. 

On my own journey of building a stronger connection with the Universe and learning to trust my intuition I’ve uncovered my own unsupportive behaviours that were tied to pressure and leading myself from stress versus feeling peaceful in action. Often I would move forward on ideas not because they felt aligned with my soul path, but instead because I was afraid of the unknown and I forced myself to take action. This pattern comes from being raised in a society that prioritizes the hustle mentality. Taking action is always the right thing, until it’s not. 

As I’ve strengthened my connection to my Inner Spirit I’ve learned that my mind is never pointing me in the right direction when it comes to making decisions. So, when I feel confused or uncertain I can’t think my way to an answer, I have to slow down, call on my Divine Team for support, ask the Universe for clarity, and trust that my gut instincts and intuition will guide me to the “hell yes” answer. 

The “hell yes” answer is when my Inner Spirit is signaling through my gut instinct that YEEESSS this thing is aligned with me!  The “hell yes” is always a moment of clarity because I know without a doubt that this is where I am being guided to take action. 

Learning to receive help from the Universe is how you begin to feel supported each step of the way on your journey, rather than feeling like you are lost, all alone, or unsure on how to move forward. 

I hope this blog has given you some clarity on how to ask for help from the Universe and more importantly when to start asking for help. 

My number one tip if you are wanting to follow your soul path, is that the answers are always within you and it’s time to start listening to your inner wisdom. You can learn more about trusting your spirit and strengthening your connection with the Universe in the Spirit of Air group program

If you know you are a people pleaser and you are ready to dive deep into healing your unsupportive patterns, and you want to shift from the exhausted version of your life into feeling empowered and peaceful then the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program is the space for you. 

Learn more about these two programs at the link below. This is the space to focus on your healing and growth on your spiritual journey.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness