3 Perspectives that will Bring You More Peace


As a human it’s your limited perspective that can make you feel stuck, not worthy, and even victimized at times. Once you embark on the spiritual journey your level of awareness grows and you begin to see life from a new, larger perspective. 

As a recovering people pleaser, empath and intuitive being, my soul path has led me to better understanding who I am, how I perceive the world, and what I’m here to learn. In each situation I move through I am either trying to flow with authenticity, uncovering outdated patterns, or discovering how my intuition is guiding me. 

My message to you is this, life is a journey (I know… how corny and typical of me to say this). But, it’s through the journey of living in the present moment that you actually begin to discover who you came here to be, and how to live with true purpose. 

In this blog I’m going to share 3 shifts in perspective that have allowed me to live with more peace in my daily life. I’ll explain how the original perspective left me stuck in fear, doubt, worry or stress, along with what I do to guide myself forwards with peace now.

1 - I’m Never Alone

As a sensitive being and an empath who is constantly feeling the heavy emotions of the world around me, it can be easy for me to feel all alone in sadness and frustration. Especially in the world I grew up in, so many of us were taught that our emotions make us weak and our sensitivities are more a problem than a gift to cherish. 

I can remember key moments in my darkest days where the weight of my emotions created the perspective that nobody would ever know the real me, and nobody could ever understand what I was feeling.

There are other moments where I would be stuck in a challenge or an obstacle would appear on my path and I would fret and worry about how I could overcome this difficulty. My thoughts stuck in trying to logically make sense of things, looking at all the different paths I could take and wondering how I would ever solve things. 

As I began to feel more connected spiritually with the Universe, I remembered the truth, that I am never alone. My Angels, Ancestors, and Spirit Guides are always with me, I simply need to call on them and ask for their assistance and support. This perspective has given me more power in my daily life, because rather than feeling limited by the obstacles on my path, I can connect to a power greater than me and ask for the unlimited support of the Universe. 

In the moments where my emotions begin to overwhelm me, I call on the support of my Spirit Guides who comfort me and hold space for me. Don’t get me wrong, I still feel the weight of those emotions and often can find myself in a dark place for a time. The difference is that I don’t stay in the darkness for days at a time, because once the emotion has begun to move through me I remember that I am not alone. 

Your Divine Team of support and guidance is always here for you and the Spirits can often see a pathway that is not obvious to you. When you call them in for assistance, you open yourself up to directions and clarity you may have never thought possible before. This level of guidance can help you clear your path at a much quicker rate than if you were to sit in your own limited perspective.

My experience of connecting with my Divine Team and remembering the perspective that I am never alone was not a flip of the switch in a singular moment. This took time and intentional connection in my good moments. When I feel their presence with me through my daily card readings, my meditations, and my prayers or invocations, I build the energetic connection that I feel. This allows me to remember more quickly in the hard moments to call on them for the support I desire. 

You are never alone, and carrying this perspective will always bring you more peace in life.



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As an empath you are easily drained, overwhelmed and exhausted from feeling the emotions of everyone around you.

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Back to the blog - 3 Perspectives that will Bring Your More Peace

2 - How are my shadows being mirrored back to me?

For a long time I believed that everyone else needed to fix their issues and they were only projecting their own trauma and triggers onto me. What I mean is that if I was in a difficult situation with someone else, and they left me feeling drained, exhausted or even less than, I believed it was their issue and they needed to change. In this perspective I didn’t realize I was giving my power away to everyone else. 

I was saying ‘they are the problem and they are triggering me to feel this way’. As I continued to practice more emotional healing and learning about my outdated conditioning or the unsupportive patterns I carried, I started to see from a different perspective. 

These “problems” or difficulties on my path were not always a result of the other person, instead they became opportunities to see my own shadows being mirrored back to me. 

What old beliefs am I holding onto that are limiting me here?

What old traumas are being triggered within me that are needing healing?

What thought patterns am I carrying that limit me or come from a place of feeling unworthy?

These types of questions help me to see the situations differently, and I started becoming a more conscious person. Instead of placing blame on others for their actions, I began to question why I ended up in that situation, what was my part in it, and how I could start healing the triggers I’d been experiencing. 

Whether you are looking at someone else’s actions through judgemental eyes, or you are feeling triggered by someone’s words, the Universe is trying to guide you to see your own shadows from a new perspective in order to heal. 

I encourage you to start seeing with this new perspective of how your shadows are being mirrored back to you in each situation. Through this viewpoint you are claiming your power back and guiding yourself to the peace you desire.

3 - This challenge is not trying to destroy me, it’s trying to grow me.

How can I feel unfazed, content, calm and at peace through a challenging phase? No matter how big or small the challenge may feel in the moment, your instant reaction can often come from an egoic state. What I mean by this, is your ego is the part of you that tries to keep you alive in life or death situations, and any sort of challenge that appears on your path can trigger the ego to say “I’m not safe”. 

This is not a conscious reaction, this is a completely involuntary and subconscious reaction. It starts with your mind saying, “What am I going to do?”; then your emotional body reacts to this thought by triggering stress, worry, frustration, anger and even fear. When these emotions begin to move through your body your Ego speaks up in the conversation from body to mind, believing the challenge in front of you is here to destroy you. 

I remember the first time my mountain bike broke (I love mountain biking, it is one of my favourite hobbies) and immediately my mind went, “how am I going to afford this?”. I already had a challenging relationship with money at the time, which was filled with worry, stress and fear. Everything in my body began reciting the storyline that I wasn’t safe and I was shifted into my egoic state of survival mode. When your ego has taken over you are not consciously aware of the thought patterns you are experiencing. 

For weeks I was stuck in the stress of needing to get my bike fixed, how I could ever afford it, and the frustration of not being able to go biking. Two of my key trauma responses are flight and freeze, so run away or stand in a state of inaction. This meant I did absolutely nothing to try and fix my bike. I wouldn’t call a shop to find out how to fix it or to even get a quote on the fix. 

I was stuck in the perspective of ‘this challenge is trying to destroy me’. 

Now when a challenge occurs on my path, I can see more clearly because I have a deep connection with the Universe. I know now that each challenge on my path is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to become stronger, wiser and more capable. My path is not about letting the challenge overcome me, instead it’s about becoming resilient and learning how I can overcome the challenge. 

I am not as easily triggered into a state of fear, worry and stress when challenges appear on my path now, because I carry the perspective that it is there for me to grow. This allows me to remember when my thoughts begin to spin out of control, to get grounded in my body, come back into my connection with Spirit, and ask for support through this difficulty. 

When you begin to see life as a journey of growing, an experience of healing your traumas, and a pathway to consciousness and enlightenment, you move differently. You become the peaceful, calm, content version of yourself. 

The perspectives you carry are either limiting you and creating resistance on your path, or they are guiding you forwards with a peaceful energy. These are only 3 perspectives I’ve shifted that have begun to change the way I experience life. 

I encourage you to grab your journal and reflect on what I’ve shared here. How do these new perspectives resonate with you? What limiting perspectives are you holding onto? Where do you feel far away from peace and require a shift in perspective?

If you are wanting to connect in a spiritual community and receive more support, guidance and clarity on this path, then consider joining my free spiritual email community here

You might find that you are ready to take the next step to support yourself and receiving emails every so often doesn’t cut it. Then you are looking for my virtual membership, The Soul Care Space, where we prioritize connecting with your spirit, mastering your energy, healing your shadows, and awakening the voice of your soul. You can join with a monthly subscription here.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness