Spirit of Air 12 Month Program PAY IN FULL

Spirit of Air 12 Month Program PAY IN FULL



Who want to master their intuition, truly know the voice of their soul, and strengthen their connection to the Universe…

in order to fully surrender to their soul path.


  • Join the 2024 Spring round

  • Sydney will email you ALL the bonuses upon signing up

  • Sydney will contact you with the schedule of all calls

  • Email your questions to Sydney sydneymargretsmith@gmail.com

This is ONLY the beginning of your spiritual transformation! Take a deep breath and feel your Spirit encouraging you to take the first step.

One time payment!

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Client Testimonial

“When I first considered joining Sydney’s Spirit of Air Program two thoughts kept circling in my mind. One - that’s a heck of a lot of money, and two - what could we possibly do for 12 whole months?

I’m VERY glad I didn’t let those ego thoughts stop me.  The money - it’s without a doubt the BEST investment I’ve ever made in myself in my life. And the 12 month worry - I’m in my final month and I don't want it to end. Once you realize the incredible growth you are achieving you do everything in your power NOT to miss a session.

What have I gained? Besides an incredible community of like-minded souls shifting our lives forward, I’m much more confident in my choices, my desires, and what makes me happy. I don’t sweat the small OR big things anymore. I EASILY find peace and joy EVERYDAY regardless of what’s going on around me (and life itself often has shit happening). I’ve gained an inner knowing and a trust in life as it unfolds. I’ve created daily habits that ensure self-care and soul-care. I’ve let shit go that I knew was weighing me down as well as stuff I didn’t even know I was holding on to. I’ve healed and grown into a human that I love inside and out and I’ve created a connection with Spirit in a way I could never have imagined. 

Speaking of letting go,  I carried the weight of a physical ailment for most of my life. I grew to accept it was a part of me. I learned in Spirit of Air that actually it was a long ago pain that festered inside and manifested in a physical way. IBS. There, I said it. Through the lessons I'd learned in this program I was able to use meditation and journaling to uncover the hurt of 6 year old me. In a POWERFUL healing meditation I released that hurt and the associated behaviours I created along the way. And guess what, my IBS is gone. I went from monthly flareups in the last 3 years to health. To eating anything I desire. To no indication I ever had IBS. 

I truly can’t say enough about this program and I can’t say enough about Sydney’s mentoring methods that have brought these results for everyone in our group. BEST investment EVER. My advice, sign up NOW!”

-Louise S.

“This last year in Spirit of the air cannot be justified in words as much as feelings. I feel centred, grounded, and light. I know who I am, and what my life’s purpose is. I have the knowledge and inner power to move forward and make choices with strength, and guidance from my spiritual team. I listen to my heart, and soul, and no longer my ego. I also have the wisdom to let go of past negative repetitive thinking, and toxic relationships that do not serve my growth. Sydney’s spiritual teachings, insightful analysis, and meditation techniques have changed who I was and allowed me to become who I am and love. Thank you for the dedication to your work Sydney, I am forever grateful. My life feels good.”

-Michele D.

I’m here for you…

1 - It’s YOUR connection!

In this 12 month program not only will you learn lessons, strategies and practices to support your connection with the Universe, you’ll learn the voice of your soul, how to interpret messages from the Universe, and you’ll live with more peace than ever before. 

2 - Accountability is KEY!

The benefit from this program is not just about the lessons you’ll learn, it’s really about the accountability and ongoing guidance you’ll receive in the process of strengthening your connection and learning to trust your intuition.

3 - Embodiment is the goal!

The transformation you desire is not about learning lessons, it’s about being able to embody the wisdom you’ve gained and live from a higher state of being and that is what this program will support you with. 

4 - Community creates connection!

Plus the benefits of being in community with other spiritually awakened beings allows us, as a group, to create an energetic aura that is uplifting, empowering and inspiring each step of the way. 

Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 4 INSTALLMENTS

Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 4 INSTALLMENTS

CA$888.00 every month for 4 months
Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 12 INSTALLMENTS

Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 12 INSTALLMENTS

CA$333.00 every month for 1 year
Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 7 INSTALLMENTS

Spirit of Air 12 Month Program 7 INSTALLMENTS

CA$555.00 every month for 7 months