Moving Beyond the Fear of Not Being Enough | Episode 119: Check in with Ang


When you feel stuck and uncertain on how to move forward in life it’s easy for fear to take over and fill you with all sorts of stress, pressure and anxiety. 

In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Ang is sharing a life update and how she overcame the fear of not being enough. After making a massive life change earlier in the summer, she found herself stuck and unsure on how to move forward. This energy of anxiety and pressure filled her mind on a daily basis and she shares with co-host Syd, exactly how it affected her life. The reason why she is wanting to share her experience is because of the key lessons she learned through the process of reconnection. How is Ang manifesting her dreams and overcoming fear of not being enough? Press play to hear all about the growth Ang is moving through. 

Listen to the episode now to understand Angie’s experience of overcoming the fear of not being enough.

You can continue reading about the conversation Syd & Ang had on the podcast through the transcript below. 


Syd: Hello everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Carrying Connected Conversations the podcast. This is Sydney speaking at ya, Angie always says that so, or chatting at ya, so I needed to say it myself one of these times. 

I’m really excited for today’s episode because we are doing a check in episode with Ang. She is wanting to share her experiences of what she is moving through right now, and we record these episodes in advance, which means it's a little delayed, which is kind of nice for us. We are talking about how Ang has unstuck herself or the process of getting unstuck. I have no idea what this means and I’m really excited to dive into Ang’s experience of getting unstuck. Before we jump into the topic of today’s conversation, let me introduce my beautiful, lovely, joyously, amazing co-host Angie. How are you doing today?

Ang: Awe I love that intro! Hahaha! I am doing so good, so well. Funny enough, at the same time that I am doing so good and so well, I am also nervous. We chatted about this abit before we hit the record button. You said it perfectly, I’m currently moving through it, which has a couple of meanings. If you don’t know, you should know, but if you don’t know you’ll know now. I’m a verbal processor, so I like to talk things out especially when I am going through something because it really puts me back into the place of “hey, this is where I am at, this is where I am needing to go, and this is where I am going”. It’s a declaration of what is. You are creating your manifestations by simply speaking it out loud, which is one of the topics I want to talk about today, manifestations and how that looks in terms of my life. Ya, I’m excited to jump into the topic today, despite being nervous. SO here we go. 

Syd: I love it when we have that contrast of emotions and feelings because it really is that reminder that we are here to experience life through our emotions and through the way we feel, not always through the way we think. If we want to have excitement and joy and peace, then we also need to have those moments of experiencing nervousness and stress and anger, and frustration and worry, because that’s what makes the good emotions that much better. Its interesting that you re saying this idea, you didn’t say this work but it’s what I picked up from what you just shared, this idea of reflection. Your way of verbal processing is how you reflect on the experiences you’ve gone through so you can gain the wisdom, you can gain the learning, the teaching and what that looks like. 

Right now, those of you that don’t know, as a Spiritual Mentor every single week I channel an energy forecast or energy update, based on the Moon Cycle and how that energy is influencing us. This week while we are recording is all about reflection. The energetic theme that is coming through is about reflecting on the changes that are occurring in our life, whether it’s a change that has happened in our external world, or it’s a change that we are creating in our internal experience. I think that lines up perfectly with today’s conversation. 

I want to jump right in and ask you a question, if that works for you Ang. 

Ang: Ya 100%, but I want to touch base on this Moon Cycle comment you just made. I totally feel this. I really feel like this conversation is about a reflection of what I just released from the past Full Moon. It was a Full Moon in Pisces, and hello that’s my sign, I am a Pisces. I have been super emotional and there has been a lot of physical, mental, and spiritual releasing that I’ve been doing. I am very glad that I am balancing the anxiety with the excitement of wanting to chat through this. It really is to me, a reflection of these past 6 weeks. 

Syd: Yes! This is the energy! The energy is not just reflecting on what happened last week, while that is important, it really is taking a moment to reflect on what your summer has looked like and what this past season has meant to you. You have created a lot of external change in your life recently, which is no wonder this energy is influencing you. 

Before we jump into this idea of manifestation, because I know that’s what you really want to talk about. I want to get a better understanding of this idea of getting unstuck. Can you describe the idea of being stuck that you’ve experienced?

Ang: 100%. This is funny because I want to explain it as if I was going through it, rather than me looking at it from a reflective point of view. I obviously want to share that about it, but the feeling of unstuck, oh boy! 

I’m in a place where I think I did share this on the podcast, in the month of September, that I had recently left my full time job. There are a couple main reasons for it, but the main one is that it was not fulfilling enough for me and it was creating too much stress and chaos in my life in all different aspects, especially in my relationships, specifically about the people that are close with me, the people I am living with. Not necessarily love relationships.  When I was in that position of feeling stuck that’s because I had just quit my job, and i didn’t know what my next move was. I didn’t know what I was going to be doing, all I knew what I had to leave that position because it was no longer fulfilling. It’s almost as if I created, without realizing, this sense of pressure. You need to hurry up and figure out what your next step is, or else, or else, or else. 

One of the main points I want to talk about today is yes, manifestations, but the fear of not being enough as well as my reconnection journey. Those are the three things that I want to talk about in the reflective piece. The fear of not being enough was 100% the feeling that I was feeling when I was feeling the pressure. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, I wasn’t being enough. I needed to go out and get the next best thing, I needed to go go go. Thinking back to masculine and feminine energy, I was stuck in the masculine energy because our societal norm is to constantly do. What do we need to do? How can we go to the next thing? How can we get to the next step? When in reality all we need to do is BE. That is what I’m forgetting. I want to pause it there, because that feeling of being is where that reconnection journey comes from. 

Syd: Mmmmm! Oh my gosh there is so much that I can resonate with in my own journey and I know so many listeners can resonate with it as well. This recognition of living a life that is not fulfilling. Acknowledging that there is so much stress and chaos, which is literally creating that resistance around finding fulfillment. Making the change and taking that first step, then all of a sudden getting to the space and saying “okay I don’t know what my next move is”. That pressure that says “okay I’ve got to take action, I’ve got to move because I feel like I’m not doing enough”. There is so much in what you just said, the masculine energy, the feminine energy. I love this so much!

In saying all of this, because it really goes to show that you didn’t know what your next move was because you weren’t allowing yourself to tap into your feminine energy, which is where you feel your intuition. This is where you flow, rather than go go go, I need a plan, I need to strategize. You needed to tap into that space of rest, to reconnect to yourself, to figure out okay what is my next move. 

I want to ask you, because you brought up this idea of the fear of not being enough, how are you or were you, whether you’ve already done it or you are in the process of doing it. How are you able to overcome this fear of not being enough?

Ang: Well, I guess it’s time to jump into it. But I do want to talk about the place of how I got out of it. In essence, I literally forgot about my Higher Self. I do apologize about me forgetting this little detail or not, if I’ve said this on the podcast or not, I’m about to say it now. The way that I speak about my higher self, is like you inner goddess. I may have used this terminology before, I may have not, so if it’s new to some of you I apologize. The sense of my Higher Self through all of my teachings and learnings and integration and knowing what this Higher Self means and my inner goddess, I’ve created a name for it. The name I have chosen for my Higher Self is Lina. Lina is the name, funny enough, that my mom used to write on my list of things to do. My mom wanted everyone to call me Lena, but everyone calls me Angie. Obviously this podcast is Syd & Ang. Hahaha! So, it’s the other half of my name because my full name is Angelina. 

When I hear the name Lina, it feels powerful. It feels like that is the woman inside of me that just knows everything. She knows exactly who she is, she knows where she is going, she knows what she needs to do. Whenever I refer to that Higher Self, that Inner Goddess and I say Lina, it’s all the same to me. Getting out of that place and realizing that, I just completely forgot about her. Why? I was not reconnecting with her. I was so focused on the anxiety and the fear of not being enough. Obviously, the energy you dwell in is the energy you bring back out. No wonder I was feeling that stuck feeling and that feeling of pressure. 

How did I get out of it now? Well, funny enough, I had a garage sale. This is where it all stems! It’s so funny because here we are being stuck and I’m talking about a garage sale. Hear me out okay. 

This feeling of pressure and the feeling of not being enough, when things are stuck it’s not “always in your physical world, mental world, spiritual world, or emotional world”. I’m a strong believer in how you do one thing is how you do all things. So, if you are unsure on where to start, and where to go, as simple as reconnecting with Lina, but if that is even a forgotten thing, what can you physically do to create more room? Remove the pressure. Move your physical space. 

Uh! Hello! Sydney is nodding her head over there! I love it!

Syd: Hahaha! I am cheering! I’m like YES YES YES!

Ang: Because Syd you do this, I want to say quarterly, in your life, for perfect intentions and reasons because you need to get out of that stuck feeling. So I’m in a place now where I quit my job, I don’t know what to do, where do I want to go, where do I want to live. Well, if I’m going to wnat to move somewhere, how am I going to move all of my things? I have too much things. Well, speaking of which, there is so much construction going on outside of our house, with the city. There are some internal renovations going on inside and outside the house. A big part of this was the garage itself. We needed to remove everything from the garage because we got a  new lay of concrete. All of my stuff needed to go somewhere else. 

That feeling of being stuck, it now gave me purpose and intention for me to move those things. So what did I do? I had a garage sale. By me physically moving all of those things out of the garage, onto the driveway of course, it helped me clear that physical space. After having that garage sale and figuring out these are things that needed to be donated, go into the garbage or maybe I can sell these things online, however it all got categorized. It felt so good for me to just move everything. 

By now, me clearing up my physical space, what did I do? I also cleared up some mental space going on in my mind. By me clearing up that mental space was powerful, because I needed that mental space to remind myself to reconnect back to Lina. Again, I forgot who she was. I am her, she is me. 

Syd: Wow! There is so much power in what you just shared and I think it gives us such a great example of how being stuck is not actually a sense of non movement, it’s a sense of being stuck in stagnant energy. Energy is always moving, we are always having thoughts, we are always taking action, we are always having emotions. There are always things moving around us, not just within us. Stuck is this idea of non movement, but as I just explained, energy is actually always moving. The feeling of being stuck is the same energy moving within you. This cycle of movement feels stagnant because you are not allowing new, fresh energy to come in. The way you described that if your emotions are feeling stuck, or spiritually you are feeling stuck, or however you are feeling stuck but you are unable to recognize which it is. Making one small change in your physical world clears that energetic clutter and it creates space for new to come in. 

I love how you touched on this idea of renovations and construction because I believe that our external world is often reflecting our internal condition back to us. For those of you listening, you may or may not know, but I’ve been living in a renovation for over a year now. My house is under constant renovations and it’s still under renovations. Earlier this year I really struggled with this idea of living in renovations because it feels like there is no stability. It feels like everything is constantly being shaken up and you don’t have that sense of reliability in your structure. Especially because some projects get to move quickly, some projects in the house aren’t as quick, so you are kind of at the mercy of the project as a whole of the renovation. I started to shift my perception on the renovation and I started to look internally. Maybe this is reflecting an internal renovation. Maybe this is giving me an opportunity to create a strong foundation of who I am and how I choose to live life. With my experience, I kind of feel this mirrored energy or this mirrored experience in what you are sharing. 

I want to know in this process of getting unstuck and reconnecting to yourself and overcoming that concept of fear of not being enough, what have you learned about yourself or about life as a whole?

Ang: The power of manifestation. I know that sounds so simple, but it really is. That fear of not being enough was simply because I was not giving myself enough. I wasn’t giving anything to myself. No wonder I didn’t feel like I was enough because I wasn’t receiving anything, again because I wasn’t giving. The manifestations and why I feel like it’s brought it back all together is because I didn’t realize how powerful this was. Going through the fear of not feeling like I was enough or feeling that stuck feeling, in all of that there was obviously a lot of tension. Let’s call it tension. Coming from the pressure of we need to do this, we need to be prepared for this, and I’m not living by myself, I am living with other people so there is more than just one head involved in this conversation here. There was a little bit of a worry of not having enough time for the garage sale. Until I said, “hey this is just for my things, if you want to put some of your things out, go ahead, there is no pressure.” By me physically saying, there is no pressure, I then created and realized there is no pressure. Bringing myself out of that, it’s so important to talk about where I am currently at and also where I am wanting to go. 

Once you declare something out loud it actually becomes your reality. You are worried about this sense of pressure, well just say that there is no pressure. Now that there is no pressure, everything will go a lot easier moving forward with a sense of flow. Now coming back to this whole idea of manifestation, it’s so funny because just before we recorded Syd, the internet was jumping a little bit. I was connecting from my WiFi to my Data, and you said, “you know all is fine, all is well, everything will come as it needs to come”. Lately in my life, well some of you may not know, I am bilingual. I speak fluent in english and french. Funny enough, because I was living in french where I found Ms. Swan where she had her baby Pepur. 

Syd: Sorry, I need to interrupt you because you said you were living in french. Is that what you meant to say?

Ang: Ya. No, I did. I was meaning to say that I am living…

Syd: Oh okay, in the language of french.  

Ang: In the language of french, ya. So I think in french, I speak in french. 

Syd: I see what you are saying. 

Ang: It’s weird for me to say that actually because for all english people you think, “I live in english what do you mean?” Hahaha!

Syd: Well, also because I’m not bilingual, I’ve never thought “I live in english”, like I’ve never thought of that as a saying. So when you said I live in french, did you mean you lived in Quebec? I totally didn’t pick that up at all. But now I understand.

Ang: Oh that’s funny! I didn’t mean that, but I also meant thinking in french. 

Syd:Yes yes! I get that now. But I’m glad I interrupted you because now I understand. 

Ang: No I’m glad you interrupted me too. Oh that;s cute. But ya, so having Pepur coming from frenchland, so to me she is just a french cat. I know that sounds so weird, it’s a cat. Anyways, I speak to her and there are some times and some moments where I get stuck in french mode. One of the quotes I’ve been saying, loosely translated, is “all is well”, “Tout va bien aller”, all will go accordingly, is maybe the proper translation. For me it’s been so powerful to remind myself.  “Tout va bien aller”. For me that right there was helping me remove a lot of that pressure that I was creating on myself. It helped me get back to my reality by simply connecting with myself. 

If it’s a quote that has been working for me, I’m sure that you guys, our listeners, are also needing to hear this. All is well, all will go accordingly, tout va bien aller. 

Syd: I love that! I love that so much! This concept of what you are learning in the process of getting unstuck really is the power of manifestation and it’s not necessarily manifesting this massive desire. How much money you want, or what job you want, but it’s really this concept of manifestation as an energetic practice of how you live your daily life and the power of your words, your intention and that ability to declare how you choose to show up in life and the energy you are calling in to your experience. When you can start manifestation as that simple practice, it changes the way that you manifest those big desires because you are much more trusting of the concept of manifestation, which is rooted in the law of attraction.  The energy that you carry is what you attract back to you. This concept of saying “there is no pressure” and then allowing yourself to flow through the experience of embodying no pressure is strengthening not only your connection to your Higher Self and how you show up for yourself, but it’s also strengthening your connection to how you live on a day to day basis. 

Ang: Exactly! I think bringing that awareness is also another catalyst to becoming unstuck. If you don’t create that awareness then you aren’t going to realize where you are at. By doing that it really helps things flow so much easier and more simply. 

Syd: More simply. Yes, I love that so much! This has been such a great conversation and I’ve loved getting this understanding of what it felt like for you in being stuck, acknowledging that fear of not being enough and then the process of getting unstuck, reconnecting to your Higher Self, Lina, and the garage sale, moving things physically, allowing to create new space. As we kind of wrap up this conversation, I want to know if there is anything else that you feel like you want to share, whether that’s how you are going to move forward in your life, or if there is anything you want to share with the audience? 

Ang: Totally. This is something that I am reminding myself of and I like to say it out loud because we need to declare it of course. I may not know who this will help, so I’d rather say it out there to bring that back in. Definitely that quote, all is well, things will all work out, but reminding myself that there is so much time. I know we get stuck in this idea of the fear of not being enough, or whatever else, whatever struggle we are feeling, whether it’s internal or external, there is so much more time that we can create for ourselves to give ourselves whatever we need. We need more energy, well we need more time, well there is time to do that. Try to remove whatever you are feeling by reminding yourself that there is no pressure.  Say it out loud, say it for what it is, because when you say it out loud those manifestations will come into your reality. In all of that, remind yourself that things are going to work out. You’ve got this, I love you and I’m rooting for you. 

Syd: I love that so much! There is so much goodness and supportive energy in what you just shared, so I hope that all the listeners, I know myself, I wil be doing this, but I hope all the listeners as well will take your experience in what you’ve shared and tie it into their own lives in that space of reflection. Checking in with themselves on, are you taking that time to reconnect with your Higher Self, whoever that is, are you checking in with the idea of pressure and allowing yourself to carry no pressure, are you truly believing that all is well. 

Bringing in this concept of fearing not being enough, kind of ties into what we wil be talking about next week in the check in with me, Sydney. I am going to be sharing my journey of no longer being triggered in a family gathering, which kind of ties into what we talked about a couple weeks ago, trauma bonding as an empath. I am going to be talking about my fear of judgment and how that has played into my life. 

Thank you again Angie for sharing your story and for allowing us to listen to your verbal processing. I think you did it in such a beautiful way that really gave us a sense of understanding what you are moving through. For all of you listeners make sure you stay tuned for next week where we will be checking in with me. 

That’s all that we have to share with you this week. Don’t forget to leave a lating…

Ang: ahahahah! I love it! Leave a lating! Hahaha!

Syd: Hahaha! Leave a rating and review if you enjoyed the podcast! It really helps us to grow and expand and it helps us to know that you are listening and you like what we are sharing. Thanks again for being here! Sending you all so much love and light and we will be chatting at you guys next week. Bye everyone!

Ang: Bye!!