How to Strengthen Your INNER POWER

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I woke up one day and realized I had no power over my life.

Power is an interesting thing, especially as women. We are often taught that the men in our lives will always have power over us and yet we are constantly fighting for equal power. But do you really know where your power lies and how to strengthen this power?

We give our power away without even realizing that we are doing it, then we fight to gain power anywhere we can.

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Where is YOUR Inner Power?


What does this really mean?

As I said, I woke up one day and realized I had no power over my life. I felt like I wasn’t allowed to make decisions for myself, I had to filter the things I said and the things I did in order to keep them aligned with someone else. I was basically living my life for someone else, and not myself.

Have you ever been there? Have you felt like you are making decision based off someone else’s opinions?

These are the moments that we are giving our power away.

So how do we strengthen our inner power?

We need to listen to our intuition, that gut feeling, and follow through on it. The moment someone asks you to do something or say something and it doesn’t sit right with you, yet you do it anyway, you are giving your power away.

Strengthening your Inner Power is all about standing your ground with your thoughts, your opinions, your actions and who you want to be as a person.

When we allow someone else to tell us who to be we are literally giving our power to them.

It’s hard work, but it’s work that needs to be done in order to strengthen that inner power.

At first glance it seems like someone else has taken your power from you. When we are in this victim mindset we will never be able to fully stand in our power. I realized the only way I was going to move forward was by acknowledging that I played a part in losing my inner power. I made choices that allowed others to have power over me, I basically gave my power to them.

It starts out small, so you don’t even realize what’s happening. Whether its at work, in your family, with your friends or with your partner. Someone asks you to do something small, instantly you know it’s not quite aligned with your beliefs, but you think to yourself “it’s just this once, and it will make them happy”, so you go ahead and do it. In this moment, you give a little of your power away.

Next, you’re in a conversation and the other person is sharing their opinion, which is the complete opposite of yours, yet you are a people pleaser and hate confrontation, so you just let the conversation slide and you don’t share your opposing opinion. In this moment, you give a little of your power away.

Maybe this person behaves in a negative way, which again doesn’t align with your beliefs or standards, but they already have power over you so you feel as if you can’t step up and share your truth. In this moment, you give more of your power away.

It comes to a point where now this person is outright asking you to support them 100% whether you agree or not, or else. The ultimatum! You are too afraid of what would happen if you say no and disagree, so you say yes. Even though your intuition is screaming at you to make a stand, and it’s in this moment that you feel completely powerless.

These are the phases of slowly losing your power.

There may be more steps in the middle, it could take years or it could take months. Either way along the path you watched idling at the sidelines as your power slipped away from your fingertips.

Does this sound familiar?

Are you in this place now?

Have you been in this place before?

Now, how do you move forward? Why is it important to strengthen your Inner Power once again?

It’s important to remind yourself that your are human and you deserve to live a life for yourself.

You are allowed to have your own standards & beliefs and you are allowed to stand your ground in them.

Just because someone else disagrees with you does not mean that you are wrong.

When we feel powerless we begin to be filled with resentment and bitterness. We believe that our lives would be better without this person or situation. We resent someone for not being able to live our lives in the way we desire.

So why is it important to strengthen our inner power?

Because if we wake up 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 40 years from now and look back on our lives and realize that we weren’t living for ourselves we will feel massive regret.

Inner Power is not about being MORE POWERFUL than someone else.

Inner Power is about being able to live a life of happiness, feeling successful in your own way, knowing that you have the choice to live how you please.

Inner Power is about affirming the strength you have to get through anything.

Inner Power is about creating the life of your dreams right now.

Inner Power is about knowing you did everything you could each moment.

Inner Power is a state of mind!

Look at your life. Take some time to reflect on all aspects of your life. Decide how you wish to move forward.