Life Lessons from 2021 - Energetic Influences & External Validation | Soul Healing Journey Entry 8


On January 7th 2022 I led myself through a sacred ceremony of reflection and soul healing. I decided that I wanted 2022 to be my year of massive transformation and spiritual expansion. In order to take this step I need to begin the process of integrating the life lessons I’d moved through in the past year.

This is part one of sharing my soul reflections, the shadow work I began healing through, and setting myself up for the most soul inspiring year I would live. Nothing changes in an instant even if it feels like it. Energy is always shifting and evolving around us, it only depends on whether we are choosing to be aware of these shifts. I learned early on in my personal development journey through a spiritual awakening that I get to create shifts and changes for the better of me and my life. But, it’s not a flip of the switch. It takes dedication, discipline, and most importantly the choice to pursue my passions with purpose.

This is the first half of my journal entry from January 7th which was the first step in starting my year off feeling empowered.

Journal Entry from January 7th 2022

In 2021 I was given a lot of different opportunities to master my energy. I was shown my deepest shadows and how they are connected to my wounds, and the generational trauma passed on to me. I was also shown my brightest light and how it’s connected to my gifts, my desires and the purpose I am here for in this lifetime. 

I know the winter season is a time to gather wisdom from the past year. It’s a time to allow healing to take place so my wounds are no longer open and available to infection… triggers are always trying to cause infections in our fear based wounds. Once I am able to move through this gathering and healing I am able to rest with peace in my heart, mind and soul. Resting is integral in my journey because it is what will prepare me for the next cycle. When spring comes along I want to feel refreshed and refueled to take action with gusto. The work I move through now is what can either hinder or help me come springtime. 

Let’s dive in…

Energetic Influences

I am a sensitive soul, an empath and an intuitive. All of this basically means I am extremely open and vulnerable to the energy that surrounds me in my environment. If someone else is having a bad day that energy can and will easily attach onto me. If someone is complaining, judging, or sharing their frustrations, I feel the energy. If someone is moving through a challenging phase of life, I empathize with them and can feel their pain. 

This past year was an amazing opportunity for me to master my energy. 

I don’t need to take on this lower vibrational energy from my external environment. I can carry compassion for others and still stay in my uplifted energetic state. 

2021 allowed me to move through different experiences that tested my energetic influences. I received many opportunities to practice guarding and protecting my energy. I moved through moments where I had to acknowledge that I was at a lower frequency and the energy was not mine. This allowed me to lean into the strategies that help me to cleanse and release the energy and step back into the uplifted state that is my natural vibration. 


When I choose to see all parts of myself, the shadow and the light, I more easily accept myself fully. I can love who I am because I’ve looked into the shadows, I’ve chosen to learn the lessons, and I work every day on embodying my Higher Self.


I no longer judge other people for the energy they carry. Instead, I trust my vibes. If I feel something is off, then I casually walk away and create a space that feels better for me. I trust the energy I feel. I don’t have to fix everyone’s problems. I don’t have to uplift everyone. 

The most important thing is that I am aware of my energy and I ensure that I am protected and supported in carrying the energy that feels good to me!

External Validation

Oh how I’ve lived my life based on what other people think of me. Damn! Acknowledging this in 2021 was the most powerful moment of my life. My fear of judgment and rejection is directly connected to the desire of feeling validated. 

Why the f* would I a) NEED and b) WAIT FOR someone to validate who I am as a person? Sitting around and waiting for approval from someone else is basically me saying that someone else has a higher authority on what’s allowed in this life we live. Who has a higher authority on my life than me? No one! 

It feels so damn empowering to finally recognize that I get to validate myself. I get to approve of myself. I have the authority to decide what is allowed in my life, what’s right, and what’s wrong.
— Message from Sydney Smith

I’m not perfect. I can tell that I still need boundaries around this aspect of my life. It can be easy for me to fall back into old ways of believing my worthiness is dictated by the validation I receive from others. I’m treading lightly in how I show up in the world because I can easily feel triggered into thinking I’m not doing things the right way, or I’m not doing enough.

Especially when it comes to Instagram. It’s 100% a place where I have connected feeling approved by how many people engage with my content. Sitting here, having gathered wisdom, I know that my worthiness has nothing to do with how many people like or comment on my post. At the same time, I know that the energy of Instagram is not aligned with my soul’s vibration. It’s a space where a lot of people go to receive instant gratification. I know that life isn’t about instant gratification and this energy is what creates lazy people who aren’t willing to step out of their comfort zone. Again, no judgment. This isn’t true for everyone, but right now this is the energy I pick up on when I peruse Instagram. It’s not the space where I want to devote my time and energy right now. This may change in the future, for now I am setting a boundary for myself. 

Ever since I started spending less time on Instagram I’ve noticed my energy shifting. I feel more comfortable with my spirituality and who I am as a person. I feel more inspired to trust my gut and follow what lights me up. I have more energy and more time to create and share in a way that feels good to me. In this process I’ve strengthened my trust in my spirit, I’ve witnessed the magic and divinity that I am, and I have created internal validation for the life I am living. 

I feel at peace. I feel filled with passion. I feel joyfully excited to pursue my desires. I feel so aligned with the life I am living. I am following my purpose. I am leading myself through spiritual expansion. 


These reflections and life lessons have changed my life for the better. I have found a deep connection with my Spirit and can more easily see when I am leading from a misaligned space or I am disconnected from my purpose.

This is only 2 of the life lessons I journaled through on that January day. Stay tuned for part 2 next week where I will share more of the life lessons I’ve grown through and started embodying fully on my spiritual journey.

We all experience our Spiritual Awakenings in different and complex ways. This is typically the moment in life where we awaken to the recognition that something needs to change drastically in order to life in a way that is filled with purpose.

I have recently gathered 15 tips I believe everyone needs to know after their spiritual awakening while they traverse this journey we call life. No matter where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, these 15 tips will support and guide you each step of the way. You will flow down your soul path with more ease, grace and joy because of the wisdom you will gain from this mini book. Download the FREE Mini Book - Spiritual Awakening: 15 Tips You NEED to Know - here.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness