Trying to Control versus Allowing Myself to Surrender | Soul Healing Journey Entry 13
Some days it’s harder to trust than other days. I have so much energy to take action, yet I become overwhelmed with all these ideas and thoughts for the future that I find myself becoming paralyzed and unable to act. I want something now, and I try to think of how I can attain what I want.
It’s human nature to try and plan, strategize, and control the situation in order to attain what we want as fast as possible.
I am trying to break away from this pattern.
When I take a step back and look at this pattern I see resistance, pressure, stress, overwhelm, worry, doubt and fear in many different ways. This pattern of control says, “I don’t have what I want. Will I ever be able to receive it? What if I don’t take action in the right way? How do I know for sure that it’s the path for me? Why don’t I have what I want? Why is it so hard to attain what I want?” This doesn’t feel good.
I remember, it’s time to surrender to the Universe.
The Universe’s plan for me is far greater than any plan I could try to come up with.
But how do I surrender? How do I trust the Universe? What can I do right now in this moment to feel better? I just want to feel better. I don’t want to feel pressured. I don’t want to worry. I don’t want to doubt myself. I want to break free from the resistance I feel.
I surrender when I feel into the energy of Mother Earth. I surrender when I breathe deeply taking in the energy of Father Sky. I surrender when I ground myself in the present moment and remember the love within me.
I’m learning that it’s in these moments where I have forgotten Spirit. I’m living in my head trying to logically understand how to surrender, trying to rationalize to myself how to feel better. Spirit isn’t in my mind. I can’t logically explain surrendering, as much as I try, I know it’s a feeling.
I need to feel through my surrender, not think about surrendering.
Feeling connected to the Universe is how I feel through the energy of surrender. Connecting with my Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Animal Guides is how I bring myself into a calm state once again. Sending a prayer up to the Universe is how I remind myself that everything is taken care of and my soul path is unfolding. My prayer is not only a message for Creator, it’s a reminder for me that through connection I can surrender.
It is time to lead myself through spiritual connection in order to release the grip I have on control and truly surrender myself to the Universe’s plan for me, my soul path.
Spiritually I know that life is unfolding one step at a time.
I know in my heart and soul that the Universe will give me signs, messages, opportunities and clear guidance for my next steps. I know with my entire being that I will never miss the messages, for the Universe will make sure I receive them until I see them. I know, as my Soul Truths say, that this is how I am meant to live, to move one step at a time as the Universe guides me.
When I get stuck in my mind I forget. I forget my Soul Truths. I forget that I don’t need to have some massive plan and try to control each step. I tend to think I’m all on my own and I am the only one to try and make everything happen.
These are the moments I am disconnected. These are the moments I act from a misaligned space.
“I’m learning.
I’m integrating the lessons.
I’m embodying a new way of being.
I am Spirit.”
These are the reminders I hear when I start to open my channel and connect with Spirit once again.
“Slow down dear one. Be here now. Breathe deeply.
Feel yourself rooted to Mother Earth. The future is taken care of dear one. The Universe is always on your side. Please, let go of your worries, let go of your doubts. Breathe deeply.
Feel the energy of Mother Earth flow through you. Take a moment and cleanse your energy. Come back to Spirit. Come back to your truths. You are safe. Breathe deeply.
Ask for support from your Divine Team. Tell them what is on your mind and ask for their guidance and support. Breathe deeply.
Ask for a sign from the Universe. Ask that we show you something in your physical reality so you remember we are with you, we are guiding you. Breathe deeply.
Surrender dear one. Everything is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to. You cannot see the whole picture, trust that we know what we are doing. Trust that we are taking care of you. Breathe deeply.
Allow Mother Earth’s healing, grounding energy flow through you now. Connect to her energy. Centre yourself. You are connected. You are divine. All is well.”
I remember. I feel aligned once again. Now I can focus on the daily tasks that excite me. Now I can take action on my passions. Small steps make a big difference. I am ready. I am leading myself from Spirit.
This is a journal entry where I was able to acknowledge the fear, worry and doubt that was circulating through my mind. After taking the time to write out what had been weighing on me I was able to spiritually release the energy and connect to a soul centered space. This is when the guidance from my Higher Self always flows through me.
Check out the Guidebook for Alignment to up-level your journaling practice and gain more wisdom through the spiritual teachings I share over a 12 month period. Learn more about the EBook here.
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I channeled messages from Spirit in a FREE mini book to support you on your spiritual journey. This freebie will support you through your spiritual awakening and your spiritual expansion. Download the FREE Mini Book - Spiritual Awakening: 15 Tips You NEED to Know - here.
Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness