The Abundant Flow of Spirit | Soul Healing Journey Entry 12
Ego is an interesting concept and I can really start to see the cycle I’m moving through in order to stop identifying with ego and instead prioritize my identity as Spirit. Whenever I feel myself in the energetic capacity of ego I don’t always realize that’s what’s happening in the moment, for that is the power of ego.
My focus from here on out is building awareness on the feeling in my body, for the way I feel never lies. When I acknowledge how I feel I will be able to know instantly if I’m identifying with ego or if I’m in alignment with Spirit.
Part of my journey over the last 31 years has been remembering who I am, remembering I am Spirit. My true nature is that of Spirit and I’m constantly unbecoming the ego layers, the shadow pain, and the conditioned beliefs that lead me away from Spirit. An energetic cleanse is the process of releasing the energy of ego, the fear, worry, doubt that has attached onto my energetic aura. When I prioritize purification on a daily basis, through many different forms, I am choosing to let go of any and all energy I’ve picked up on through my experience.
It’s not about ignoring the lessons or avoiding the emotions. All of that is important for my human experience because that’s how I evolve my soul. Enlightenment is a spiritual state, an energetic state of being. I cannot become enlightened as a Spirit if I am always carrying ego as my identity.
When I am in Spirit I am aligned with the Universe’s plan for my life. It’s not my job to determine what this plan is and how it’s meant to unfold. It’s my job to trust the way I feel my soul speak through me, so I can live in the present moment and follow the path laid out for me. The Universe will provide for my needs based on the energy I embody, the action I choose to take and the decisions I make.
Learning to love myself was the first step in opening my channel to receive the flow of abundance. I had to work through my self doubt and insecurities in order to find the light and love that I was created from as Spirit.
When I am in the energy of ego I feel resistance, control, frustration, worry, and fear. The action I take and decisions I make from this energy always feels forced and pressured. In this space I hear my mind spinning, filled with thoughts, frantically trying to find a way forward, chaotically searching for clarity. My mind wants relief. My body wants relief. Yet, from ego I believe I need to take all the action in order to get to a moment of relief. The end result will give me relief. When I have the thing I desire I will feel relief. Except, I never do end up feeling relief, because ego is never satisfied.
When I am in the energy of Spirit I feel relief, calmness, connection, alignment, and purpose. Spirit reminds me that I get to feel good now, before I take action, before I reach the end result, before I have the thing I desire. In Spirit I am aligned with the energy that I was created from, the energy of light, love and abundance. The world, the Universe, was created from the energy of abundance and limitlessness. It’s ego that creates limits and holds me back from a perspective of fear, rather than trust. As Spirit, I may not have the answers to everything or understand with complete certainty what my path will entail, yet I do know that as Spirit I am created from love, which is limitless. When I am in Spirit I feel the energy of love flowing through my being. I am not just satisfied in this moment, I am fulfilled.
Fulfillment is not about saying, I am complete, it’s about recognizing that I have all I could ever need in this moment and I feel all the support I could ever desire. Fulfillment isn’t saying I’m good until the end of time, it’s saying right here and right now I’m good, I’m fulfilled.
In my morning meditation my Higher Self guided me into Spirit after cleansing my energetic being. In Spirit I could feel myself transform, which is the beauty of Spirit, we can shapeshift and transform into anything we need at this moment. In this ability to shapeshift we can see that we are the Universe, meaning everything in the Universe is part of us and we are part of everything. I may not be an Eagle, yet we are both Spirit, we both come from the Universe, and so I have the ability to energetically shapeshift into Eagle. Why would I do this? Well, Eagle is a powerful messenger and holds a sacred energy of trust. In the moments where I feel myself lacking in trust, I can choose to remember that I am Spirit and I have access to Eagle’s limitless energy of trust, which means I have the same limitless energy of trust, which is the power of shapeshifting.
My Higher Self in this meditation supported me through a transformation, so I could remember an energy that is available to me as Spirit. I shape-shifted into a flowing river of limitless abundance. The water that poured through the river taught me that energy is abundant and never ending. The river need not know where the water comes from or where it ends up, for the river was created by Spirit and Spirit knows the river’s divine path. The beautiful lesson the abundant river shares is how it’s not greedy and grips onto the energy of the water all for itself. The river openly shares its water with anyone who comes to its shores. The animals, the people, the plants all need water to survive and the river happily shares its abundant flow of water. This is to be in Spirit. Knowing you are taken care of as an individual and you are living in harmony as a community. The river is the channel for the water to flow effortlessly and the river’s purpose is to share its water with whoever may need it.
This is the lesson I needed to be reminded of, this is the energy my Higher Self is asking me to embody. The flowing river of limitless abundance, for when I allow the energy of abundance to flow through me I am able to share it with whoever may need it.
“I am a channel for the Universe to share its abundant energy.”
As a Spirit, this is my true nature, when I am attached to ego I forget, so I am prioritizing my purification practices, setting my boundaries to protect my energy, and guiding myself into alignment with Spirit.
I am a flowing river of abundant energy.
I am Spirit.
This is a journal entry that helped me to reflect on where I found myself during this time of my life. Self reflection helps me to understand my humanness of ego and fear so I can more easily connect with Spirit through my intuition and soul wisdom.
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I channeled messages from Spirit in a FREE mini book to support you on your spiritual journey. This freebie will support you through your spiritual awakening and your spiritual expansion. Download the FREE Mini Book - Spiritual Awakening: 15 Tips You NEED to Know - here.
Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness