Evolve or Repeat | I didn't want to write this...


Something was weighing on me and to keep others feeling comfortable I ignored this inner truth. Slowly as I denied this quiet voice within me I realized I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. It was time to take a stand for myself and speak the truth I’d been ignoring.

In this blog I am sharing my thoughts, my opinions, my understanding of what I do as a healer and spiritual mentor, but also how I live my soul purpose. I needed to write this. I needed to let the voice of my soul awaken fully and guide me in being honest with you.

My hope with sharing these thoughts is that you understand the sacred container I create in all of my offers. I am here to support you, to empower you, and in order to do this I need to empower myself as well.

I have to be honest, I didn’t want to write this…

I’ve evolved. 

I am not here to repeat the same shit over and over again. What I mean is that when I notice thoughts of worry or fear cropping up in my mind I choose to dig into them. Uncover where they are coming from and try to rewire my thoughts into something that feels more expansive and hopeful. (your subconscious thoughts are over 80% repetitive from one day to the next… so if you’re not choosing to rewire these patterns they will repeat)

The same goes for my emotional experience… When I find feelings of inadequacy or not enoughness take over, leading me into moments of sadness and loneliness, I let myself feel those feelings (to release the energetic weight behind them). Then after the fact, I dig into my inner world and try to uproot where these feelings originate from in order to heal the deeper wound.

What does this mean for you?

The container I create for myself to heal, grow and expand, is the same container I offer to my friends, coworkers, family members and spiritual community (you).

I don’t do half ass relationships. 

If you are coming into my life, magnetized by my vibration, it’s because your soul is asking you to heal, to grow, and to expand. You’ve found me because your soul believes I can trigger your growth. 

Keyword “trigger”... this doesn’t mean I do the work for you in your healing, it means I trigger your ability to heal yourself. I trigger your light to awaken just as much as I trigger your shadows to be seen and healed. 

The problem?

If you don’t want to heal and grow…

If you don’t want to put the effort in to evolve…

… then you will feel called out and judged, and you will resist the energetic frequency I cultivate in this container of soul expansion. 

It’s time I admit to the pattern I’ve been noticing in my life that is mirroring what’s happening in my membership community.



A free Spiritual Workshop!

You know you’ve had your rock bottom moment, but you don’t know how to pick yourself up and start moving forward.

What is a spiritual awakening?

How do you create lasting positive change?

What do you need to know in order to find purpose?

If these are the kind of questions you’ve been pondering then you’ve come to the right place.

I have curated a “playlist” of sorts. It’s a Spiritual Workshop filled with free content including an EBook, a 60 minute mentoring session and guided meditations all with the soul focus to support you in your spiritual awakening.

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free workshop!



Back to the blog - Evolve or Repeat | I didn’t want to write this…

I needed to admit this to myself, as well as to you…

People are attracted to me because of the beautiful, divine frequency of light I embody. It’s peaceful. It’s empowering. It’s a feel good vibe. My frequency naturally awakens the light within you, but with light comes shadow. You cannot embrace your light without acknowledging your shadow. 

There are certain people in life that are attracted to my light, but once their shadows are triggered to come to the light, they run away scared, not wanting to put the effort in to heal. 

I see this often in the people that surround me and at first it hurt my feelings. You come for my light and then run away when I ask you to acknowledge your shadows.

There are two types of people that join my membership community, The Soul Care Space…

1 - The people who want to evolve.

They are ready to do the spiritual work, they just don’t know where to start or they are tired of trying to figure it all out on their own. 

They know this is a lifestyle, not a one and done. 

They come into the membership community not because they want a quick fix, but because they want tangible practices and real life support for healing their shadows and awakening their light.

They stay in the membership because of the tangible shifts and changes they start feeling in their everyday life. They are amazed by the breakthroughs they experience, and they feel like they know their soul so much deeper through this work.

2 - The people who are stuck repeating cycles.

They like to read inspiring quotes, but they don’t put the effort in to actually shift their beliefs.

They think someone else can solve all their problems, and then they get mad when their “saviour” turns out to be a fraud (or so they believe).

They want their experience to be different, but they don’t actually want to create the change themselves. 

They come into the membership community because they’ve felt the light and divine frequency I embody, but they aren’t committed to doing any of the spiritual work and they leave the membership after a couple months when nothing in their life has changed. 

Evolve or repeat. 

It’s not my job to choose which path you walk down or how you show up for yourself on this journey. 

It’s my job to continue to be here, creating supportive content in this safe container that promotes healing, growth and soul expansion. 

This is where it gets interesting… this has taken me a long time to come to terms with and I didn’t want to say it in case I offended someone… but I’m here to trigger the shadow and the light.

People will come into my life because they are magnetized by the energy I’ve worked hard to cultivate. 

People will leave my life when they realize I am not the solution to all their life problems. 

But the people that stay…

They are tired of their old patterns, the thoughts and emotions and beliefs that were built off fear.

They are here to evolve their soul, to expand their heart, to overcome the shadows of resistance.

They are committed to living with purpose not pressure.

They desire peace and freedom.

They are ready to create change.

Those are my kind of people. 

Evolve or repeat.

Which would you rather?

Inside The Soul Care Space we aren’t here for the fluffy spiritual work… we create long lasting shifts in who you are and the life you create for yourself because you are a strong, capable, devoted being. 

You want to know your soul.

You want to live with purpose. 

You want to unpack the emotional baggage that has left you closed off from any real connections.

You want to prioritize your energy, so you can live from an empowered and peaceful state. 

You want to unburden yourself from fear, so you can feel free and limitless. 

This is what we focus on inside The Soul Care Space. 

This is for the deep shit… no surface level woo woo crap. 

You will awaken your soul light by healing your ego shadows.

I am your guide and we move together one step at a time. 

No rush.

No pressure.

No forcefulness.

I only ask that when you join you are willing to go deep with me, for that is where true healing occurs.

Until next time, forever holding space for your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness