Energy Update for April 5th - 11th | Release, Trust and Surrender

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Hello my friends and welcome back to another self-reflection and Weekly Energy Update. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I love being able to share the lessons I am learning in life right now in hopes that it brings some wisdom, clarity & inspiration into your own life. We all know that reflection is important because it gives us an opportunity to grow from who we were yesterday. You know what else is important? Understanding how we are influenced and impacted by our surroundings. For the Weekly Energy Update I take the time to look into the energy of this coming week and uncover the key themes we need to know. This allows us to connect to the universe and flow with the energy that is surrounding us in order to create more ease and grace in our lives. 

First, let’s dive into my self-reflection from this past week and how we can all learn from the wisdom I am integrating into my life. 


Spirituality and personal development are the two key aspects in how I manifested my dream life and stepped back into my power & confidence. Am I at a place in my life where every day is perfect and I have everything I could ever desire? NO! Do my struggles outweigh my joys? Also, no! Am I exhausted and burnt out as I try to hustle, tackle my to-do list and take care of the people in my life? Again, that would be a no! 

As a sensitive soul, empath, and intuitive being, I have found that the most important thing in life is doing whatever I need to in order to support myself in creating a life I enjoy living. What does this really mean though? Again, through my spiritual and personal development I have healed past traumas through inner work (or shadow work); I have manifested my truest desires; I have strengthened my awareness around my emotions; and I have created mindsets that support me to be better than who I was yesterday. 

Being on the path of personal growth and spiritual evolution is not always easy, as it requires work and dedication. Let me tell you though, it is so worth it because while on this journey I have experienced more joy, peace, fulfillment, satisfaction and bliss than I ever imagined possible. It’s as if I am living my dream life every single day, while still working towards my next big dreams.  

So, what is the life lesson I am being reminded to carry with me right now? 


These are 2 BIG words and they are even bigger characteristics to carry. Trust and faith can eliminate our fears, worries & doubts through one simple action each day. But, it’s not as easy as it may sound. I had a profound journal entry this morning that really brought everything together for me. I am going to share it with you now so you can see how I am remembering to lean back into trust & faith. 

“I am becoming more aware of what goes in my mind when I start the spiral of doubt, frustration and fear. I begin to think of the future and my mind goes to the HOW

I cannot understand how I will get to my dreams and desires which leads to me doubting that I will ever reach those dreams.

Once the doubt comes then frustration quickly pops up because I begin to think about all the work I’ve put in and I feel unsatisfied. Not being satisfied only because I’m doubting I’ll ever reach my dreams in the future. Next thing I know, fear has taken over and projected into all aspects of my life.

So, I dream for the future and then my mind doubts HOW it will happen!

Guess what, I already know that the HOW doesn’t matter. Meaning that the Divine Universe will always take care of the HOW. All I need to do is make sure I’m enjoying my present & taking action on the things that inspire me, excite me and bring me joy in the moment

If I’m enjoying my life now, then I will trust that in 2 months time I’ll still be enjoying life. Same as 6 months from now and even 2 years from now. 

Over the last 2 years and 3 months the Universe has never let me down in bringing clients, new opportunities and filling my bank account with money. All the worry, doubt and fear has only led to a challenging present moment. It did not bring abundance, it only brought pain. 

This is a journey. Next time I feel doubt creeping in, I will repeat to myself ‘I am enjoying this present moment and I trust the Divine Universe is guiding me down the right path to reach my dreams. I will know in each moment what to do because I’m being in the moment! I take action now where I’m inspired to do so and I trust it’s leading me to my dreams. Good things happen to me when I’m leaning into the tasks and activities I love to do.’

The Divine Universe takes care of the HOW and all I need to do is stay connected to my WHY”

- Sydney Smith (Journal Entry - April 5th 2021)

So, the question is - what can YOU take away from my journal entry? It’s important to become aware around WHEN you lose trust. If you can start to understand the pattern that pushes you into doubt, fear, and worry then you can begin to catch yourself before the downward spiral takes you for a ride. 

Remember, this is a process and it does not happen at the flip of a switch. This is something I’ve been working on for years and I am still building my awareness around my pains & fears. The key is being present in each moment as it’s happening because this is where you become aware of your thoughts, emotions & beliefs. 

Now this is a lot for you to contemplate on, so I encourage you to write in your journal which aspects of my self-reflection have inspired you or triggered something within you. Allow yourself the space to reflect on those thoughts and beliefs so you can understand what no longer serves you and where you desire to create change in your life. 

Remember, life is about creating harmony between reflecting on the past, dreaming for the future and living in the present. So, let’s take this opportunity to look forward and see what energy is influencing us as we move through the next week. 

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Moon Cycle - Third Quarter Phase occurred on April 4th

What does this mean?

The Moon Cycle affects our emotions and if we are not aware of the current phase then it can create more turmoil in our lives. Recognizing the patterns we experience on a monthly cycle allows us to flow with our emotions and step back into control over how we move through life. 

Currently, this week we are feeling the effects of the Third Quarter Phase while the moon gets smaller and moves towards the New Moon which will occur on April 12th.

This next week is truly about RELEASE, LET GO & SURRENDER. 

Wow, that syncs right up with my self-reflection of needing to trust and have faith. I wish I could say I plan these posts, because at times it feels like I am “choosing” themes that connect on purpose. In reality, I write the self-reflection portion of these posts and then I connect and listen to the Divine Universe and the energies that are coming forward to guide us through the week. 

In connecting with the universe, I listen to my intuition (the gut knowing within me), I research the Moon Phase we are currently in, and sometimes I pull a couple cards to guide us. All of this is done by listening to my psychic & intuitive abilities and gathering the wisdom I carry about the Moon Cycle & the Universal Energies. 

So, WHAT do we need to release and let go of? How can we surrender? 

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It’s the beginning of Spring Season, which as mentioned in the previous energy updates (check them out here), is a time where we are planting seeds for our future and trusting in the bigger picture of life. So, let me ask you - do you have dreams & desires for your future? If you could plant them into the earth as seeds and watch them grow into fruition, would you? If it was clear as to what you needed to do in order to nurture those dreams so they grow in the best way possible, would you nurture them? 

As we are being guided to RELEASE & LET GO this week, we are being asked to look at our dreams and get clear on what we desire. That is step one. Step two is to look at our daily habits & behaviors and determine which ones DO NOT support the dreams we desire. What are you doing on a daily basis that hurts or hinders your dreams? We may not know exactly WHAT TO DO to nurture our dreams, but the first step is finding out what we currently do that DOES NOT nurture our dreams and begin to eliminate those from our life. 

Let go of the habits, thoughts & behaviors that bind you and do you harm. 

Second part of this week is all about SURRENDER, which truly means TRUST & HAVE FAITH. 

“I am tired. Exhaustion is weighing me down. Burn out and overwhelm is taking over my life. I want to reach my dreams and yet it feels as if they are so far away and I am losing energy and inspiration in order to keep working towards those dreams.”

Does that resonate with you? 

Surrender is telling you to rest. We need to give up the belief that in order to reach our dreams we must ALWAYS HUSTLE and work hard. This belief will be the death of you, because you are pushing yourself beyond your capacity and you have lost touch with your purpose. Doing things just because you feel like you HAVE TO or you SHOULD be doing them is not going to help you. Actually it’s going to push you away from your soul purpose and it’s going to lead you to a life that you do not enjoy living. 

Remember my self-reflection at the beginning? We do not need to always know the HOW, but we do need to stay connected to the WHY. 

As the Moon decreases in size this week and gets closer to the darkness of the New Moon we are being given a clear message. It’s okay to take a step back. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to reset, re-evaluate, and refocus on where you are headed. 

Recuperate and rest. It is okay to feel empty sometimes. 

This is a great opportunity to take a break, allow yourself to rest and relax, refill your cup (or battery bank) in order to come back next week feeling rejuvenated, re-inspired and motivated! 

Remember, this is your life. If you are hustling to reach the finish line, you are only passing your life by without appreciating and enjoying each moment. This is your life. Right here and right now. Stop pressuring yourself to have all the things and to do all the tasks. You need to remind yourself what inspiration feels like to you. You need to come back to a place where you enjoy what you are working on. The process is way more important than the end result.


If you are ready to feel courageous & confident as you shift forward, creating the life of your dreams, and yet you have no idea where to start, what to do or how to get there then it’s time we connect in a one on one space together. 

I would love to guide and support you through emotional & spiritual connection, which will result in your increased confidence and courage to create positive change in your life, despite the nerves, fears and anxieties.

You will walk away feeling supported and trusting yourself to take action today. 

Book a Soulful Solo Session, which is a one time 90 minute session, we’ll focus on a specific area of your life where you are feeling blocked, uncertain, confused & lost.

I’ll leave you feeling uplifted, inspired, and with clear tactical action steps to create a life of fulfillment & enjoyment. 

For the month of April, every person that books a Soulful Solo Session will receive the 2021 Guidebook for free as a bonus! 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 

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Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 

Until next time, sending you love & light as you learn to release and surrender this week, 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!