Energy Forecast for February 28th - March 6th | FEAR VERSUS LOVE


Fear doesn’t just go away, the energy stays stagnant in your body until you find a way to transmute the energy into something more powerful, love.

Fear will always own power over you until you wake up and recognize that fear is only a façade. Fear is a mask that your past pain wears in order to try and keep you from feeling and healing the pain. Fear wants you to believe you are powerless, but the moment you look fear in the eyes and you feel the pain hiding behind the mask you can begin to step into your power and lead yourself forwards with love and faith. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the energy of the collective in order to channel an energy forecast for all of us. When you look around the world, abroad and in your own country, you can see how fear has been running rampant. People in power are inducing fear in many different ways, atrocities are taking place in our world, devastation to people who are not only undeserving, but innocent bystanders. Fear is trying to suck us under and lead us to a place where we, the individual, believe we are powerless. 

When we, the individual, begin to stand together in community, we are able to see beyond the façade of fear and we witness the power of love. Fear is a bully that is trying to hold us down and keep us small. Love is a friend that holds our hand and reminds us to stand tall and carry our truth as a guiding light. 

This week we are being reminded that when we focus on the energy we carry as an individual, we can have great impacts on the world as a collective. Will you choose to lead with fear? Or love?

On Wednesday, March 2nd the Moon Cycle transitions into the New Moon phase which is the beginning of a fresh cycle. For the next two days we are being asked to release, heal and rest in order to prepare ourselves for a powerful new beginning. Monday, February 28th and Tuesday, March 1st are great days to grab your journal and reflect on all that you are fearful of. The only way to heal your fears is to look at them and remember that it’s pain hiding behind a mask. When we choose to feel our pain, we heal the energy and we can then alchemize it into love and faith. 

As we shift into a new Moon Cycle we are being reminded to set our intentions for the next month. How do you want to show up to support yourself? How do you want to impact your community in a positive manner? You create a ripple effect with all that you do, meaning if you are walking around angry your energy is rippling into your community. If you are choosing to find peace and joy in your every day, then your energy is rippling into the world around you from a peaceful space. You may not be able to make massive changes in your world, however each small action you choose to take today will create a ripple effect around you. 

We are preparing to close out the Winter Season in the northern hemisphere, as Spring Equinox is just around the corner (March 20th). Spring is the beginning of a new cycle, just as New Moon is the start of a new Moon Cycle. Before we rush into the spring season, we need to look at what we don’t want to bring with us. Our habits, behaviours, beliefs, outdated thought patterns, and the fears that have been blocking us from shifting into our highest selves. Taking the time to acknowledge and release the old outdated patterns is the first step to prepare ourselves for a fresh cycle into spring. 

Reflect on your winter season, over the past 3 months, and ask yourself what you have learned, healed through, where you’ve been challenged, what you’ve struggled with, how you’ve supported yourself, when you’ve fallen back into old behaviours. This is a time for reflection that is free from judgment. We can only learn and grow when we are willing to look at ourselves from a space of love rather than guilt. Unsure what type of questions to ask yourself when journaling? Check out The Guidebook for Alignment to support your healing and growth. Click here to learn more.

Spring is a time where we plant new seeds of dreams and desires that we are calling into our lives. But we first need to till the landscape, just as farmers till their fields before planting new crops. Spiritually this means by understanding our fears, worries, and doubts it becomes easier to create a supportive energetic environment and mindset to allow our desires to grow and come to fruition. 

This week is New Moon, so remember, you are being asked to look at what you want to call in and how you want to set yourself up for the Spring Equinox energy. I will be announcing a Spring Equinox Ceremony that will support you in clearing resistant energy so you can call in your soul desires for this next cycle. Join my email community so you don’t miss out on the Spring Equinox Ceremony!


Spirit of Earth 1:1 Monthly Mentoring

Become rooted in your SOUL WISDOM

Are you ready to…

Follow your soul path and bring your gifts to the world?

And yet…

You feel stuck.

Stuck in the pain from your past.

Stuck in the box other people placed you in.

Stuck in self-doubt and fear of the unknown.

Stuck in an identity that no longer inspires you to grow.

Stuck feeling exhausted and drained while you are trying to help everyone else.

It’s time to honour your soul, learn the lessons, heal, grow, evolve and up level to a brand new, better YOU.

It’s time to work with Sydney in the Spirit of Earth 1:1 Mentoring program


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for February 28th - March 6th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energies at play this week and how we can transmute our fears into love, let’s dig deeper into the intuitive knowledge that is coming forward. 

I am using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck as my divination tool of choice this week. We are asking the Universe, “how can we connect with our soul desires this week?”


Fear is a limit of the mind and it’s what triggers your worries and doubts. 

When fear runs rampant through our lives we create limits around what we believe is possible and we begin to see the world from a perspective that resists the unlimited possibilities the Universe carries. 

As a Spirit you are a limitless being, however your ego mind has dictated perceived limits on your abilities and your life. The only way to connect with the unlimited possibilities that surround you is by transmuting your fear into faith. 

Have you ever taken a moment to sit with your soul desires? Have you felt the burning sensation within you that is calling for more? There is something within you that believes more is possible, it believes there has to be something greater than what you are currently experiencing. Your Spirit is saying, “you are made for more than this”. 

Your ego mind quickly jumps in and says, “I don’t think you can accomplish that, maybe stick to what you know, you probably don’t have the skills or knowledge for that”. Your ego mind wants to keep you safe and it believes anything that feels uncomfortable must be unsafe. Yet, your Soul knows the truth, that in the uncomfortable spaces you are able to grow beyond your perceived limits of this world. Your Soul believes there is more to life than the box of comfort your ego is desperately clinging to.  Your safety is not dependent on you being comfortable.

The question is, how can you connect with your soul desires this week? You need to go beyond the limits of your mind and set your sights higher. What if more was possible? What if love won? What if your dreams came true in an unexpected way? 

Your Spirit is saying that you don’t need to plan how it will all unfold, you simply need to open your perspective into believing the unexpected is possible. 

I was on a call with a 1:1 mentoring client a couple weeks ago and her financial fears had been a massive limit in what she believed possible for her. We took some time to heal the pain she had been carrying for decades and I guided her back to the truth of her Spirit. By the end of the call I asked her how she felt around money and the energy she carried around her finances, and she said “I feel lighter, I have hope again, I can see there is more beyond my fear, I have the courage to move forward and I can see the path that leads with hope.” She didn’t know where the path was leading, but she simply removed the box that kept her feeling stuck in a dead end of her financial fears. This is the power of transmuting your fear and pain into light. The work I do with my 1:1 clients is not about throwing positive affirmations at you and telling you to only focus on the light. We dive deep into the shadow in order to feel the pain behind the fear because this is where you lead yourself to find hope in order to lead with love and faith. 

Right now in our world there is a lot of fear that surrounds us, and Spirit is reminding us to carry hope wherever we can. It is within hope that we are able to feel love and it is from the love within us that we are able to have faith. Your fear comes from your past pain which triggers thoughts of worry and doubt. Life isn’t about ignoring the worry and avoiding the fear. Life is about learning how to bring light back into the depths of these shadows so you can always find a way to guide yourself back to the love within you. In the love you are able to remember there are limitless possibilities in this Universe. 

I hope this weekly energy forecast has given you some inspiration, courage, and hope in order to alchemize your fears into love. Check out my 1:1 Mentoring program if you are ready to break free from the box you feel stuck in and you want to step into your full potential as the soul you came here to be. 

Don’t forget to stay tuned for the Spring Equinox Ceremony which will be announced later this week. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness