4 Phases in Healing Spiritually and Energetically | Messages for the Empath Soul Podcast
After your spiritual awakening you begin to realize there is necessary healing that has to occur. Your emotions can be overwhelming. Your thoughts become triggering. You desire to experience more peace in your life.
The process of healing can be viewed from many different lenses, whether you call it the inner work, consciousness, or even shadow work, to me it's all relatively the same. The goal for all of it is to grow, to expand your awareness, to evolve your perceptions, and to leave the old outdated patterns behind.
In this episode I am going to break down the process that I've found in healing spiritually and energetically. I've been on my healing journey for over 7 years now, and it's been a priority in my life experience throughout these years. Allow me to share with you the four phases in healing spiritually and energetically, and what you can start practicing today in order to live with more peace and with a greater conscious understanding of yourself.
Press play to broaden your own perspective on healing, and to gather some practical tips for your own healing experiences.
The eleventh episode is called 4 Phases in Healing Spiritually and Energetically.
Listen here, or scroll down to read more on what this episode is all about!
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You know you’ve had your rock bottom moment, but you don’t know how to pick yourself up and start moving forward.
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How do you create lasting positive change?
What do you need to know in order to find purpose?
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Here I will share the transcript of the podcast episode, and I highly encourage you to give it a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Hello hello hello, welcome back to another episode of Messages for the Empath Soul. Today I am kind of building off of the last episode, so if you did not listen to the last episode I strongly encourage you to go back and listen to it. I was speaking all about your spiritual awakening and more specifically that your rock bottom moment is your spiritual awakening and how that moment can look different for everyone. Ultimately, I shared a couple of tips about that, so go back and listen to episode 10 if you haven’t already.
This episode we are getting more into the healing aspect of your journey. You’ve had your rock bottom moment, you are spiritually awakened to recognizing there is more to life, there is more to life than what you’ve already experienced or what you’ve been focused on. You have the awakening in your heart and soul to live with more purpose, to create a more fulfilling life, to thrive rather than just survive. But you don’t know how to get to that goal, you don’t know how to get to that place where you are thriving because you are still in that survival state just getting through day by day.
This is where your healing comes into play and working on your spiritual, energetic, emotional and mental healing, that is part of your journey. This is what you’ve awakened to, you’ve awakened to the fact that you are here to evolve your soul, to expand and to grow. Part of that growth and part of the expansion comes through the healing that you need to move through. Healing that old conditioning and programming, whether it’s different belief systems or thought patterns, or to heal emotional wounds or traumas, that is your journey. This is what you are here for.
Today we are talking about four phases in healing. Four phases in healing spiritually and energetically.
Before we jump into the topic for today, I want to take a second here and introduce this space to you. Whether or not you are new here, maybe this is the first episode you are listening to, I want to give you a little introduction into what this space is.
This is your soul journey and I am here channeling messages from the Universe to help guide and support you.
This is Messages for the Empath Soul.
If you’re new here, I’m Sydney a ⅖ generator, with a deep intuitive connection. My mission is to empower as many spiritual empaths in this community, creating a ripple effect of compassion and peace that is felt around the world.
That is why we are here and more specifically we are here today to talk about four phases in healing spiritually and energetically. I’m really excited to bring this topic forward because I have moved through 7 years of healing since my own mental and emotional breakdown. In those 7 years I have gained a ton of wisdom and experience around the healing journey. Now I’m not immune to the heaviness, just because I’ve moved through 7 years of healing it does not mean I am immune to the heaviness and the overwhelm. Instead, I catch myself amongst the shadow much quicker and I know how to guide myself through the healing with ease and grace.
I don’t believe we reach a point in our lives where we are completely healed. I believe that once we have awakened on this journey and we have committed ourselves to this growth path and this spiritual experience, we are forever healing. This is not to say that you have to go deep into the healing and you have to stay there forever. In the 7 years of my healing journey a lot of that time I was deep. I was deep in my sanctuary, in my hermitness, really working on myself, working on my emotions, my mindset, working on my conditioning and my programming. But I don’t think that that’s necessary for everyone. I don’t think that you have to hermit yourself and go so insanely deep and full throttle on that healing aspect of your journey. I really do believe that there can be harmony between healing and living. I’m learning that in my life and I think I’ve been learning this in the last 2 years of my life. I’ve been finding this aspect of harmony between still healing, still learning, still growing and more importantly, actually living and experiencing life as it happens. Being out in the world, creating connections and building relationships, and finding joy, working towards something. There is room for both, there is definitely room for both.
The reason why I can create room for both is because of the lessons I’ve learned in this healing journey, and really it’s because of these 4 phases that I want to share with you today. What once exhausted me for days, being stuck in a pattern or conditioned fear, now empowers me because I can see the opportunity for growth much quicker. What I mean by this is whenever I became triggered in the past in my healing journey I really felt the overwhelm of the emotions. I felt the heaviness of that shadow and that fear, and I really struggled to find my way out of the quicksand. I tried to fight it at times, and you know what they say about quicksand, the more you move the more it sucks you down. In quicksand you have to find stillness in order to actually get out of the quicksand.
So, the practices, the strategies, and the tools that I have created, and found, and strengthened, have helped me to now not get stuck in that pattern or that conditioned fear for prolonged periods. Instead I can work my way through it with much more ease and grace. For instance, yesterday, I felt very overwhelmed by my fear because an old emotional wound from my childhood was triggered within me and because of these 4 phases that I am going to share with you today, I was able to work through that. I was able to guide myself through that old emotional wound, I was able to recognize it for what it is. I remember sitting back and actually being excited because I recognized the moment as an opportunity to grow. I recognized the moment, rather than the heaviness of the shadow and being stuck in the fear, I almost said to myself “ahhh, I can see my pattern now, I can see my pattern so clearly and that means I can grow. I can move past this. I can work through this. I can get to the other side where this pattern is no longer popping up and taking control over me and my life”. I want to share these phases with you today because in my experience, what I’ve learned, what I’ve moved through, and the wisdom I’ve gained, there can be such an empowering feeling when you actually recognize “damn, that shadow and that pattern was so heavy, and yet now I’m growing through it. I feel lighter because of the recognition of that growth.”
Today, I want to share the four phases in healing spiritually and energetically. It’s important to know that these phases aren’t necessarily a step by step process. You can easily flow back and forth through these phases depending on how your journey unfolds. I’ve moved through these phases in the order that I am going to share them with you, but now that I’ve mastered the first three phases and I’m sitting in the fourth phase very comfortably, I go back and forth between the phases because I can see them for what they are now.
These are simply four phases that I’ve found to be imperative in the healing process.
1 - Your emotions are overwhelming.
2 - Your thoughts are triggering.
3 - Finding your peace.
4 - Practice conscious awareness with your patterns.
Let’s jump right into the first phase which is, Your emotions are overwhelming.
On your spiritual journey, if what I shared in the last episode, Your Rock Bottom is Your Spiritual Awakening, if that really resonates with you and you found yourself at that place in your life, you’re going to be in a stage of your life where your emotions are going to feel overwhelming. Whether your rock bottom was two weeks ago, four months ago, five years ago, you move through this phase of recognition that your emotions are very overwhelming.
You are probably a sensitive soul and you are most likely an empath. As an empath you feel all the emotions, not just your own. When you don’t have the knowledge on how to move through those emotions with more ease and grace, it can be extremely overwhelming and exhausting because you are feeling your own emotions; from the difficult day at work you just had; or the difficult situation you just experienced with your children; or the hard conversation you just experienced with your spouse; or your best friends aren’t prioritizing the things that you are prioritizing; the stress in your life; the worry in your life because you don’t feel secure, you don’t feel safe, you don’t feel stable; the insecurity in yourself, the doubt you experience. You experience all of that on top of the emotions in the world around you, what’s going on in the world around you. Not just on a community level, you understand and feel the emotions of your family members and friends and the people in your community, your coworkers. You also feel and understand the emotions of your country and the world at large.
Your emotions are at a place in your experience where they are really overwhelming. The heavy ones bring you into that low space and you hang around in that low low for extended periods, and you feel exhausted. Because you don’t know how to hold space for yourself, you don’t know how to transmute those emotions, how to transmute that energy, how to alchemize the shadow into light. That is so imperative in your healing journey, learning the ability to flow through your emotions by holding space for yourself.
You are an empath. I remember I had a conversation one time with a client, and we were talking about her emotions, not just the heaviness that she felt on a daily basis in her own life as a therapist, but also, so holding space for her clients, but she would get home from work and her spouse had so much heaviness in their life as well. With this client I gave her some great tools and practices, guarding your energy, cleansing your energy, and I remember she asked me, “when will I not have to do these anymore?”. I said, “You’re an empath, you will have to do these practices for the rest of your life. That is the beauty in being an empath is that you feel energy. You feel energy so easily, so it is imperative for you to prioritize practices that help you to transmute that energy, alchemize that energy, and guard and cleanse yourself from that energy.”
It feels like a lot of work at first. It feels like a lot of work in bringing these new practices into your life, yet the more you practice them the more they become like second nature. Think for a moment about breathing, you don’t have to think about breathing. Your mind doesn’t have to tell your lungs to expand and contract, your body just naturally does this because you've practiced this your entire life, it’s autopilot. Where I’m at in my journey, is my energetic practices that help me to process my own emotions and that help me to transmute and alchemize the energy that I feel from around me, it is second nature. I have practiced these things for 7 years straight. It's easy now, I don’t need to think about it. Maybe I have a conscious moment where I think “oh I’m feeling heavy, maybe I’ve taken on somebody else’s emotions”, and then I go lead myself into that cleansing practice. What once took me 15-20 minutes now takes me 10-15 seconds.
The first phase in your healing journey is recognizing that your emotions are overwhelming, because you are an empath and you feel all of the emotions, not just your own. So, when you can learn the ability to flow through your emotions by holding space for yourself, your emotional experience becomes less overwhelming. I’m not saying, you won’t experience heavy emotions anymore, you will, you are an empath. Your ability to feel, your sensitivity to feel is a gift, it’s a beautiful gift because you have the ability to transmute those emotions and to alchemize that energy. But, right now you aren’t practicing that, so instead the emotions are leading you into that state of overwhelm.
When you practice slowing down and holding space for yourself through those emotions, allowing yourself to feel it, that’s when you begin to shift the energy. This first phase in healing is your emotions are overwhelming. I remember, when I look back on my spiritual awakening, knowing my emotions are overwhelming was a huge part in how I grew. Because I realized I wanted to experience more joy, more peace in my life, and the heaviness had become such a huge part of my life that I was able to say to myself “I don’t like who I’ve become in this heaviness”. I had lived in the shadow for, not necessarily a long period of time, but long enough that it manipulated who I was. The shadow and living in the shadow affected me so deeply that I became a bully, and I became manipulative in my own way. I didn’t have the ability to hold grace as easily as I do now. I wasn’t a compassionate and kind human being like I desire to be. In recognizing how my emotions had become overwhelming I was also able to recognize I don’t like who I am and I want to be a different person. I want to bring more joy into my life. I want to practice more kindness towards myself.
If you’re at this stage in your journey where your emotions are overwhelming, it’s not about needing to hold space for other people right now because your emotions are overwhelming and you don’t know how to transmute that energy yourself. This phase of your journey really is about you, and it’s about making space for yourself, prioritizing your needs, prioritizing your joy. It’s about starting to learn different strategies and techniques and practices on how you can hold space for yourself when those heavy emotions come up.
Like I said, yesterday I moved through a triggering experience, so I went for a walk. I was able to stop and sit in the snow and breathe in the fresh air, and close my eyes and visualize my little inner child being sad, being scared. I remembered to breathe. That was me holding space for the emotional experience I was having. This is something you can practice right now in your own life.
I want to bring us to the second phase, now if that first phase really resonates with you and you want to go deeper, then send me a message and ask me a question. I’m going to be creating more podcasts and I want to know what you want to hear from me. So if you have questions, send me a message so I can answer those questions maybe in the next episode.
Coming into the second phase.
In my journey when I started to understand my emotions more easily and I started to learn how to guide myself through my emotions I became so much more consciously aware of my thought patterns. I think that when you are now conscious and aware you end up being able to hear every thought. You easily get stuck in the hamster wheel of doubt, worry and fear.
Before my mental and emotional breakdown I was not an over-thinker, I was not really an anxious person, I did not get stuck in my mind very easily. Once I had my mental and emotional breakdown and I moved through that spiritual awakening I became conscious. I became very aware of the thoughts that moved through my mind and oh my gosh the hamster wheel was deafening. It was so loud.
That hamster wheel of thoughts of doubt, worry and fear, it almost made me doubt myself even more. Really, what’s happening in that moment is you are starting to become aware of your subconscious mind. All of those thoughts already existed in your experience, you just weren’t conscious of them. They were happening behind the scenes. Those thought patterns were triggering your choices and the way that you behaved, and the habits that you carried. You just weren’t aware of that. You didn’t know the fear was controlling you. You didn’t know that you had that much doubt within you, blocking you from being able to trust yourself and trust your path.
Now you are aware of it. Part of your healing journey is when your thoughts become extremely triggering. When you can hear every thought and you easily get stuck in that hamster wheel of doubt, worry and fear and it’s so overwhelming. Now, in my life, I know what it feels like to overthink things and to get stuck in those anxious thoughts.
The key is “what are you going to do with it?”. In the first few years of my healing journey, that hamster wheel took over and I would get stuck in it for days at a time, weeks at a time. I didn’t know how to break free from it and I didn’t know how to shift it. I didn’t know how to step off of the hamster wheel. I think that experience was important for me because it allowed me to see how exhausting those thought patterns can be and how your mind has this ability to create more and more thoughts that feel the same. They all are just coming from that original doubt, or worry, or fear, or pain, or wound. But they are building off of each other.
In this phase of your healing learning how to break the cycle and shift your awareness back to the present moment is the key. Because ultimately, just sitting in your mind in those thoughts is not helpful. It’s not going to get you to an answer, it’s not going to give you any amount of clarity. You are just spinning on the hamster wheel of the same thought, just worded a little differently. All of those thoughts, while you are on the hamster wheel, are filled with the same energy of fear, the same energy of that heaviness. They are all coming from that shadow. It’s good to be aware of them, and it’s good to recognize them.
Sometimes what I would do is I would pull out my journal and I would just write them. I would list out what that conversation in my head sounds like, so that way in the future I could catch myself in the trigger so much quicker. I could acknowledge, “oh here is this thought, I know it’s just going to pull me into the cycle. I know what this doubt sounds like, I know what this worry sounds like. I know it’s just coming from my subconscious which is filled with fear”.
Learning how to break the cycle, I think there is this one phrase that has really helped me in my experience and that is “you can’t think your way to feeling better. You have to feel your way to feeling better”. Whatever has triggered the thoughts within me, maybe I was already feeling off and then all of a sudden that cycle of thoughts comes through. Maybe I was already in a difficult emotion, so my energetic vibration in my body was already lower. Because that energetic vibration is at a lower frequency in my body, it is going to trigger lower frequency thoughts and that is what begins that hamster wheel.
Sometimes the thought patterns are triggered and then the feeling comes next. Sometimes the feeling comes first. So that is why these first two phases can be interchangeable. In my experience I recognized the emotions first and then I recognized the thoughts. But for some people you are going to recognize the thoughts and then you will recognize the emotions. Especially if you are somebody who has numbed your emotions for a long time. Maybe you have easily ignored the emotions and the heaviness of that feeling space, so the overthinking is your first phase. Maybe that is an easier phase for you to acknowledge, and then in your thoughts being triggered and working through that, you can then move into the phase of Your Emotions Are Overwhelming. That is why these two phases are interchangeable.
Like I said, learning how to break the cycle and shift your awareness back to the present moment is the key here. How can I step off the hamster wheel? You cannot think your way to clarity, so when you are in that cycle of doubt, and worry, and fear, there is no thought that will make you feel better. Because your thoughts are in an energetic vibration that is low. What you need to shift is your energetic vibration so that a new supportive thought can then be created, so that you can then choose to see from a different perspective.
For myself, when I recognize that my thoughts are triggering and I need to break the cycle and shift my awareness back to the present moment I always come back to my breath. One of the practices that I do is I focus on my inhale and exhale, trying to elongate my inhale and exhale, make them longer, so I am deepening my breath. One of the things that I will say, and I’ll say it in my head, “on the inhale I bring in calmness, on the exhale I let go of my worry” or my doubt, or my fear, whatever I’m experiencing. So with each inhale I say “inhale calmness, exhale worry. Inhale calmness, exhale worry.” I repeat that for either 1 minute all the way up to 5 minutes depending on how deep I sunk into that hamster wheel.
Moving through that breathing cycle allows my body to start feeling calmer, I bring myself back into the present moment and I remind myself “I am safe, I am safe right here, right now”. My thoughts may have been focused on a past pain. My thoughts may have been focused on anxiety towards the future and fear of the future. Maybe my thoughts were focused on me doubting myself and not feeling enough. But now that I’ve calmed my body and I’ve come back into this present moment, not allowing that cycle of thoughts to continue to lower my vibration, now I can see more clearly. I can start to fit the puzzle pieces together. Maybe in that moment I gain clarity or I have a breakthrough, but often not. Often I’m actually just brought back into the present moment and I ask myself “okay, what do I want to do now?”. I don’t want to go back to focusing on that doubt, worry or fear, I want to instead live in this present moment.
Yesterday what I did was I journaled. First, I caught myself in the emotional overwhelm and I went for a walk. I connected to Mother Nature, I allowed the earth to ground me and cleanse me. I got back home and did a couple of things, then I caught myself in that cycle of thoughts. My thoughts became very triggering and they were bringing up a lot of fear. With this I came back to my breath and I grounded myself again and I grabbed my journal. I let myself journal out whatever the heaviness was, whatever the fear was that I was experiencing. Then I was brought back to the present moment, I reminded myself that I’m not going to gain clarity right here, right now. Instead I just need to focus and I think this is the moment I was talking about earlier where I kind of just went “ohhhh my god, I’m growing!” I was upset. I was frustrated. I was so freaking frustrated that I was experiencing this weight and this heaviness. I was so sad. It brought up so much sadness within me. I had to recognize, I had to remember, not recognize, that I’m human and this is part of growing, recognizing what’s weighing on you. There is a reason why this was coming up into my conscious awareness. Maybe these thought patterns and this emotion was sitting in my subconscious, maybe this emotional wound has been sitting deep within me for awhile. But I’d been asking for growth, I’ve been asking for change in my life recently. I’m always asking for change. But there is a desire on my mind that I am calling in, so the Universe is going to guide me to where I am resisting that desire myself and what is needing healing within me in order to now be open to receiving that desire.
As I moved through that process of recognizing that my thoughts were triggered and I was stuck in that hamster wheel and I needed to break the cycle and shift my awareness in order to come back to the present moment, I breathed. I journaled. Then after I finished journaling I went back to watching Youtube or something. Something that was light hearted and made me smile. Then all of a sudden the thought that floated into my mind was “ohhh I’m growing”. This felt so heavy before and I can recognize that I’m already feeling a little lighter and this is happening for me because I am growing, I’m growing past this pattern. I’m growing beyond this pattern and I’m starting to let go of the resistance.
It’s not like I had an answer about how to start moving forward in my life. It’s not like I had clarity on how to achieve my desire, instead I just had this remembering that I'm growing. That gave me enough comfort and it empowered me enough to keep going.
That is the second phase that you experience, Your Thoughts Are Triggering. Now that you are conscious and aware you end up being able to hear every thought, so it’s easy to get stuck in the hamster wheel of doubt, worry and fear. What is important is for you to learn how to break the cycle and shift your awareness back to the present moment. I’m not saying to pick a better feeling thought, I’m saying you need to acknowledge “damn I’m on the hamster wheel, let me come back into my body in this moment”. That recognition, you’re on the hamster wheel, you don’t want to be on the hamster wheel, so you bring your focus back to your breath and you’ll come back to this present moment.
When your awareness is in the hamster wheel and thought after thought after thought is just spinning around, you’re not in the present moment, you’re in that thought pattern. Your emotions are overwhelming and your thoughts are triggering, those are 2 phases in healing spiritually and energetically.
That brings us to the third phase.
This one is so important and this one is going to help you to shift your life for the better. The energetic state you are in will impact how you move forward. If you are in an energetic state of heaviness, that heaviness is impacting how you move forward. If you are in an energetic state of overwhelm, if you are in an energetic state of that old thought pattern of fear, cycling through your mind, that is impacting how you move forward. So it basically means, you’re not moving forward from a good feeling place.
Finding your peace is imperative. This is part of your healing journey, this is one of the phases. This phase might be sprinkled into those first two phases. But really in those first two phases, you’re really learning your emotions, you’re understanding your thoughts. Then in the second phase you’re learning your thoughts, and you’re understanding how you can get sucked into those thought patterns and how to find presence again. Those first two phases are learning the practice of transmuting your emotional state and learning the practice of coming back into presence in your awareness when your thought pattern has become triggered.
This third phase, finding your peace, this is something you are going to begin to practice on a daily basis. This is literally about finding out what helps you to feel at peace in your life. Because gone are the days where we believe that peace will happen once we are finished with that to-do list, because let me break it to you, that to-do list will never be finished. We need to stop putting our peace on the future and we need to start feeling and experiencing peace throughout our days right now.
When you can learn to fill your day with more peaceful hobbies and activities, that energy is impacting how you move forward. It means you are moving forward from a peaceful state. I encourage you to look at “what hobbies, what activities, allow me to feel at peace”. For myself, going for a walk, reading a book. Honestly I have some favourite YouTube channels and I feel peaceful when I am watching and catching up on my favourite YouTube channels. Sometimes I feel at peace when I am connecting with my mom in conversation, or I am having a moment with a good friend. Meditating brings me peace. Connecting with my divine team, my angels and ancestors, my animal guides and spirit guides, that helps me to feel at peace.
There are so many things that I have found that help me to feel at peace. Cleansing my energy. When you can find a list of activities and hobbies and practices that help you to connect with the energy and emotion with peace, you begin to fill your day with peace. That energy impacts how you move forward and that is so important as you heal spiritually and emotionally. When you can live from a more peaceful state you can more easily live with purpose, you can more easily influence the world around you in a positive way; you can more easily connect to fulfillment; and you can more easily recognize when your thoughts have become triggered again. When you know your peace it is so much easier for you to see when your emotions become overwhelmed. This is what I meant when I said in these phases you bounce back and forth.
At the beginning of your healing journey you really learn to master each phase and then your life ends up being a way of bouncing through these different phases of healing, because we are forever healing. The more that you understand your peace and you can find your peace more easily, you can catch yourself when your emotions become overwhelmed or your thoughts become triggered. You know how to heal yourself in those moments and guide yourself back to peace.
Which brings us to the fourth phase.
This is the phase that I am in and I am so proud to be standing in this phase. Because it can be overwhelming and exhausting when your old patterns become triggered again, and they will. This is part of the growth journey. When you learn a life lesson, you don’t learn it once and then your life is forever changed. The Universe will guide you into more opportunities and more moments and experiences to learn that lesson again, and again, and again, and again. Because the only way for you to actually learn a life lesson is for you to move through it multiple times until you get to the point where the wisdom from that lesson is embodied in how you live. That doesn’t happen the first time you learn a lesson, it happens the fourth or fifth or sixth time you learn a lesson.
In this fourth phase of healing spiritually and energetically, you are living from this place of practicing conscious awareness with your patterns. You are becoming consciously aware when your old pattern is sparked up. You know that it is a pattern and you know that it triggers your thoughts, or maybe you know that it overwhelms you emotionally. You are aware that you don’t want to stay in this pattern. You are aware that this pattern causes resistance in your life and you want to break free from it. Now you are learning that you are forever on a growth journey. This is going to help you to find courage in overcoming these old patterns.
This is what I experienced yesterday. After I journaled and started watching Youtube again, I had that thought of “damn, I’m growing and that’s kind of exciting”. I went and had a shower because that helps me to find peace. In the shower I was cleansing myself energetically and all of a sudden the clarity came in. I started to piece it all together. I could easily see why my emotions were overwhelming me, because I am carrying an emotional wound from my childhood. I could see all these situations in my life, when I was in grade 8, at camp 2 years later, when I was in high school 2 years after that, when I was in University 3 years after that, when I was hanging out with a work friend a couple years after that. I saw these specific scenarios throughout my life that triggered that old emotional wound that originated from when I was in grade when I was 13. Oh what a hard time to be alive, when you are 13. I was able to see it so clearly in how I was seeking attention and how hurt I felt when I thought I lost that attention.
It’s lessons and healing that I am moving through right now, so I’m not going to share too openly about what I’m moving through. But as I move through it, and heal it and come out the other wise and feel more grounded, maybe it’s something I will share more deeply. But I want to share the experience with you that I still move through this too. The way that I keep going, or how I find the courage to keep going to overcome these old patterns, is reminding myself that I am forever on this growth journey. I have chosen to be on this growth journey and it can be hard. But you know what’s harder? Staying in these old patterns and being aware that you are in it.
Consciously choosing to repeat it again and again and again, it’s tiring. I don’t want to be in that place anymore. I want to be free from this emotional wound. I want to be free from this thought pattern that is triggering, pushing me into this place where I doubt myself. I don’t want to live in this shadow. So I call in the light. That is what creates healing.
I feel so empowered today because I can see the pattern for what it is. When I can see it for what it is, I can more easily choose differently. I can lead myself forward with more grace because I call on my divine team for support and I ask them to bring me opportunities to practice what I have learned. I ask for supportive relationships and people to surround me.
Those are the four phases in healing spiritually and energetically.
Your emotions are overwhelming.
Your thoughts are triggering.
Finding your peace.
Practice conscious awareness with your patterns.
It is a gift when we can find our way to that fourth phase because in that fourth phase we move back and forth amongst all the phases. This is where we can see so clearly that we are growing. When a pattern is triggered it’s not to shame yourself, it’s not to carry judgment for yourself, it’s not to carry guilt. Instead it’s a moment to see, “when I was young I was wounded, and then I created this pattern as a way to try and protect myself. Maybe this pattern protected me for awhile, yet now I can see that it’s not protecting me anymore. Instead, this pattern is keeping me small and it’s asking me to not to be my most authentic self, not to trust in myself, not to trust in my path. That is when I want to break free from this pattern.”
This guides us to the final section of our episode today, which is always one of my most favourite parts.
My words mean nothing if you can’t apply them to your own life, that is what we do in this part of the episode. Self reflection is a powerful tool that helps you to better understand yourself and strengthen your connection with the Universe. Which is where you build trust and find a way to surrender more easily on your path.
Use these journal prompts to guide yourself through your healing. Make sure you grab a journal and a pen to write these down.
1 - When do you most often avoid or ignore the heavy emotions?
Getting clear on this answer is important because you have to start to flow through those emotions. When you avoid or ignore them that energy is sitting stagnant in your body. It is creating a pattern that triggers those thoughts and you end up living from fear.
2 - What message of support would your higher self offer you when you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed?
This is a beautiful question because it’s asking you to tune into your higher self. It’s asking you to tune into the energy of your soul. This space, there is a lot of wisdom there whether you realize it or not. Your higher self is like your best friend, they just want to support you and they want to guide you with love. That version of you has a beautiful message that can help you in the moments when you feel emotionally overwhelmed.
3 - What situations tend to trigger your thoughts of doubt, worry or fear?
This question is going to give you conscious awareness moving forward because it’s going to help you to understand the patterns that you experience. It will help you to understand what aspects of your life you are living from that shadow.
4 - What different perspective can you choose to see from, rather than the old pattern of fear?
This question is reminding you to shift, to shift how you see the world and how you see yourself and how you see this particular aspect of your life.
I really hope today’s episode has brought some clarity into your own life and has given you some great insight and tips into your healing journey. I am always here ready to guide and support you, and happy to share the wisdom that I’ve learned from my own life experiences.
As I close out this episode I want you to remember, your life is happening right now. There is not some future moment you need to rush forward to. Be here, take a deep breath, know that you are meant to be in this moment.
Life will always bring more lessons.
Your soul will always guide you to more healing.
Your mind will always require support to see from a bigger perspective.
You will always desire to be seen, heard and understood.
Be here now for yourself. In time you will feel the call to share more light and compassion with the world.
I’m Sydney, signing off and saying thank you, thank you, thank you.
Take your spiritual growth journey to the NEXT LEVEL and start creating real, positive changes in your life now.
You want to live more authentically.
You want to feel more fulfilled.
You are tired of feeling like you’re in the wrong place, working towards the wrong things, or surrounded by people who don’t get you.
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Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,
Sydney Smith
Spiritual Mentor
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness