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Guided Meditations
This guided meditation can be used when: you had a bad day & are filled with stress and tension; you’re frustrated that your kids just won’t listen; you experienced conflict with another person; you’re struggling through negative emotions; you feel blocked by a past situation and you’re ready to let go.
This guided meditation can be used when: everyone else is trying to dictate your life; you feel disconnected from yourself; you feel powerless in making decisions for your life; you’re ready to strengthen your connection mind, body, spirit.
This guided meditation can be used when: you’re mentally sabotaging yourself; you’re filled with self-judgment; you’re lacking support; you feel alone; you’re fearful of the future or regretful of the past; you need to feel love.
This guided meditation can be used when: you want to connect to & strengthen your intuition; you’re ready to receive guidance and direction for life; you desire a sign from the universe; you want to trust the universe.
This guided meditation can be used to: Connect to Growth; Stay Grounded; Connect to Self; Connect to Your Journey; Connect to Mother Earth.
This guided meditation can be used to: Connect to Movement of Life; Connect to Divine Universe; Cleanse Yourself; Flow through Life; Connect to Trust.
This guided meditation can be used to: Connect to Trust; Connect to Animal Medicine; Connect to Divine Universe; Connect to Self; Connect to Strength.
This guided meditation can be used to: Connect to Comfort; Connect to Support; Connect to Love; Connect to Divine Team; Connect to Inner Light.
This guided meditation can be used to: Connect to Safety; Connect to Sense of Belonging; Connect to Self; Connect to Self Worth; Connect to Peace.
This guided meditation can be used when: you’re holding back; you’re not trusting the direction you’re heading; you’re struggling to find courage to move forward; you need bravery to take the next step.
This guided meditation can be used when: you feel stress & tension all over; you can’t calm your mind; worry and fear takes over; you’re struggling to feel peace; you’re lacking motivation and energy.
This guided meditation can be used when: you need to connect back to the moment; you need to clear your mind; you’re stressed around your to-do list; you want to be present throughout the day.
This guided meditation can be used when: you need to connect to gratitude in your life; you’re struggling to see the positive; you feel you’re lacking in life; you desire to connect to abundance; you feel stuck and unable to grow.
This guided meditation can be used when: you are stuck and unable to see the light; you are surrounded by challenges and hard times; you’re questioning why bad things keep happening; your pain, hurt and confusion feels like the end; you can’t seem to break free.
This guided meditation can be used to connect to the feeling of success as you start your day.
This guided meditation can be used to connect to the courage & motivation to take action throughout your day.
This guided meditation can be used to connect to inspiration, motivation & a positive mindset to support yourself throughout your day.
This guided meditation can be used to connect to the power of trust as you finish your day.
This guided meditation can be used to release any stress, weight, or negativity from your day.
This meditation can be used to connect to the gratitude, joy & peace from your day & let go of the weight and stress from your day.
This guided meditation can be used when: you are doubting yourself; fear of failure takes over; you need a boost of motivation for a project; life is taking over and you’re losing control; you’re struggling to get out of bed.