
Ganesh is an Indian Deity, or Ascended Master, who has the head of an elephant, which makes him very memorable if you’ve ever seen a photo of him. He helps to remove obstacles for anyone who asks for his help. Ganesh is the Hindu god of prosperity and wisdom. It is best to call upon him for assistance before conducting a ceremony, engaging in writing or any endeavour you wish to succeed at. Ganesh is very loving, sweet, polite and gentle, but he is also extremely strong and can remove any barriers necessary; he will clear a path when asked.

When to call on Ganesh:

  • you are in need of abundance

  • you are traveling and want to ensure that no obstacles occur along your path

  • you are working on an artistic project and want to succeed

  • you need to create peace and harmony in your household

  • you need help removing or avoiding obstacles

  • you need help writing something

When calling on Ganesh it is best to visualize him in your mind, so if you aren’t sure what he looks like then find a picture online or in a book.


Beloved Ganesh, thank you for smoothing out my path today, with harmony and peacefulness reigning supreme. I appreciate your walking before me, clearing all obstructions that could impede my progress. Help me see the blessings within everything today. Thank you.
— Doreen Virtue

Mountain view

If you missed yesterday’s FREE offering on Lakshmi, you can find it here.

*A lot of this information, including the invocation is from Doreen Virtue’s Archangels & Ascended Masters: A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities.