Your First Step…

To sign up for the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring.

You’ve already read through the offering page and you feel a gut instinct saying “Yes! This is what I need.”

You saw the financial commitment on the offering page and you know you’re going to make it work.

Nothing is going to stop you from the healing and growth you feel your soul calling you towards.

Let’s start this journey together now.

Your first step is to purchase an Essentials Intuitive Soul Reading.

By starting off with this initial 90 minute call…

  • you’ll receive clarity and support immediately

  • we can both do a ‘vibe check’ to ensure we are compatible to work together for the 6 month commitment

  • AND together, we can determine if you’re in the right place for the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program

Are you ready for it?

Purchase an Essentials Intuitive Soul Reading now to start prioritizing peace, purpose and soul connection!