Cleanse Your Spirit | Guided Meditation | VIDEO Lesson


As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I know the importance of energetically cleansing your spirit. In this YouTube video I am sharing a spiritual meditation to support your soul healing journey. Here is a little more information on the video before you press play.

Cleansing your spirit is a great spiritual practice to lead you on your soul path. There is a lot of heavy energy that constantly surrounds us in life and learning how to detach from this energy in order to lead from a soul centered space is important. This guided meditation will support you in the practice of cleansing your spirit as you live an intuitive life.


Guided meditations are a beautiful exercise to use on your spiritual journey. If you are new to meditating I suggest you read this blog to gain a little more insight on the practice. This specific meditation is meant to support in the process of alchemizing the heavy energy you are carry from stress, overwhelm, frustration, anger, fear and worry. These energies can come from your internal condition, or your shadow self, based on something you’ve experienced recently. These energies can also come from your external environment, especially if you are an empath and sensitive soul.

It’s easy to pick up on energy that surrounds us in life because energy is always shifting and flowing around us. The process of harmonizing our shadow self and our inner light is through acknowledging the heavy energy you are carrying and choosing to transmute the energy into something supportive. Guided meditations are one of the ways we can transmute the energy in order to lead us to feeling better.

I hope this guided meditation leads you to feel uplifted and peaceful on your journey.

If you enjoy meditating and want to create a more dedicated practice for your spiritual journey then make sure to check out the Meditation Membership. This is where we come together in sacred community to release our stress & fear and create more peace & love in our lives. Every single month there is a different theme for our topic of conversation, and every call I will lead you through a spiritual meditation to create soul healing. Learn more about the membership here.

Remember, every Tuesday I share a new Spiritual Lesson video on my YouTube channel. Make sure to subscribe and turn on the notifications so you don’t miss a video.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness